Data source:Statistic Canada - Census of Population 2016
About this indicatorResidential value Km2
- Ville de Beaumont , note on geographic borders: because districts shapes are a based on Statistic Canada Census Tract, they may differ from officials limits.
* This position is relative to all census tract from Great Edmonton Québec - Canada
8350151.01,-113.41822 53.3668990 -113.41775 53.3668960 -113.41768 53.3687916 -113.41747 53.3683017 -113.41664 53.3668891 -113.41633 53.3668882 -113.39349 53.3668252 -113.39113 53.3668277 -113.39094 53.3595395 -113.39090 53.3581827 -113.39080 53.3568000 -113.39078 53.3523948 -113.39089 53.3523947 -113.39582 53.3524012 -113.39591 53.3524013 -113.39983 53.3524062 -113.40289 53.3524100 -113.40644 53.3523945 -113.41032 53.3524062 -113.41197 53.3524088 -113.41364 53.3524199 -113.41531 53.3524131 -113.41698 53.3523973 -113.42108 53.3524041 -113.42237 53.3524094 -113.42374 53.3524131 -113.42562 53.3524197 -113.42802 53.3524194 -113.42921 53.3524192 -113.43115 53.3524188 -113.43698 53.3524255 -113.43973 53.3524288 -113.43973 53.3534447 -113.43973 53.3535544 -113.43974 53.3599311 -113.43974 53.3668008 -113.43974 53.3668953 -113.42172 53.3669209 -113.42123 53.3669178 -113.41822 53.36689908350151.02,-113.39078 53.3523948 -113.39105 53.3378402 -113.39732 53.3378519 -113.39946 53.3378462 -113.40599 53.3378438 -113.41531 53.3378471 -113.42344 53.3378476 -113.42515 53.3378398 -113.42780 53.3378382 -113.43093 53.3378421 -113.43387 53.3378565 -113.43975 53.3378539 -113.43975 53.3380361 -113.43975 53.3392923 -113.43974 53.3422264 -113.43973 53.3524288 -113.43698 53.3524255 -113.43115 53.3524188 -113.42921 53.3524192 -113.42802 53.3524194 -113.42562 53.3524197 -113.42374 53.3524131 -113.42237 53.3524094 -113.42108 53.3524041 -113.41698 53.3523973 -113.41531 53.3524131 -113.41364 53.3524199 -113.41197 53.3524088 -113.41032 53.3524062 -113.40644 53.3523945 -113.40289 53.3524100 -113.39983 53.3524062 -113.39591 53.3524013 -113.39582 53.3524012 -113.39089 53.3523947 -113.39078 53.3523948