Data source:Statistic Canada - National Household Survey (NHS)
About this indicatorThis category includes dwellings needing major repairs such as dwellings with defective plumbing or electrical wiring and dwellings needing structural repairs to walls, floors or ceilings.
- Yorkdale-Glen Park Neighborhood, note on geographic borders: because districts shapes are a based on Statistic Canada Census Tract, they may differ from officials limits.
* This position is relative to all census tract from Great Toronto Qué - Canada
5350286.00,-79.468983 43.7110310 -79.469797 43.7108547 -79.469813 43.7109305 -79.469825 43.7109869 -79.470342 43.7135487 -79.471137 43.7177146 -79.471170 43.7178865 -79.471204 43.7180624 -79.471210 43.7180982 -79.471764 43.7208233 -79.471799 43.7209980 -79.471790 43.7212768 -79.471822 43.7214548 -79.471862 43.7216272 -79.472215 43.7233650 -79.472446 43.7244995 -79.472485 43.7246904 -79.472521 43.7248717 -79.471780 43.7250569 -79.471562 43.7251094 -79.471534 43.7251159 -79.471343 43.7251612 -79.471125 43.7252123 -79.470906 43.7252629 -79.470686 43.7253128 -79.470467 43.7253621 -79.470247 43.7254107 -79.470027 43.7254588 -79.469807 43.7255063 -79.469587 43.7255530 -79.469366 43.7255991 -79.469145 43.7256448 -79.467086 43.7260752 -79.466134 43.7262741 -79.462673 43.7270185 -79.458363 43.7279561 -79.458207 43.7279900 -79.457878 43.7280616 -79.457843 43.7280659 -79.457769 43.7280829 -79.457482 43.7281420 -79.457477 43.7281429 -79.456683 43.7283113 -79.451525 43.7294302 -79.449285 43.7299166 -79.449264 43.7299213 -79.449106 43.7299567 -79.449091 43.7299601 -79.449089 43.7299604 -79.448908 43.7299951 -79.448891 43.7299982 -79.448804 43.7300167 -79.448726 43.7300333 -79.448534 43.7300767 -79.448501 43.7298784 -79.448500 43.7298745 -79.448493 43.7298333 -79.448469 43.7296834 -79.448449 43.7295670 -79.448421 43.7293958 -79.448419 43.7293870 -79.448089 43.7274025 -79.448070 43.7273131 -79.448060 43.7272468 -79.448046 43.7271678 -79.448033 43.7270944 -79.448019 43.7270184 -79.448002 43.7269421 -79.447988 43.7268664 -79.447969 43.7267886 -79.447760 43.7259735 -79.447722 43.7258281 -79.447687 43.7256918 -79.447686 43.7256875 -79.447669 43.7256325 -79.447650 43.7255775 -79.447639 43.7255458 -79.447631 43.7255228 -79.447612 43.7254682 -79.447591 43.7254137 -79.447570 43.7253594 -79.447548 43.7253052 -79.447525 43.7252512 -79.447501 43.7251975 -79.447345 43.7248246 -79.447288 43.7246660 -79.447284 43.7246532 -79.447231 43.7245075 -79.447172 43.7243493 -79.447112 43.7241911 -79.447051 43.7240331 -79.446989 43.7238756 -79.446958 43.7238010 -79.446898 43.7236567 -79.446837 43.7235121 -79.446256 43.7221207 -79.445173 43.7192053 -79.445173 43.7192050 -79.445089 43.7189780 -79.444326 43.7169159 -79.444046 43.7162201 -79.444046 43.7162188 -79.444010 43.7161373 -79.444010 43.7161372 -79.444236 43.7160890 -79.444454 43.7160422 -79.444458 43.7160414 -79.444706 43.7159885 -79.444970 43.7159322 -79.446060 43.7156984 -79.446507 43.7156131 -79.448392 43.7152065 -79.449466 43.7149600 -79.451315 43.7145629 -79.452424 43.7143247 -79.452505 43.7143195 -79.452602 43.7143103 -79.452718 43.7142967 -79.452853 43.7142709 -79.453000 43.7142493 -79.453062 43.7142396 -79.453116 43.7142311 -79.453224 43.7142206 -79.453348 43.7142055 -79.453490 43.7141852 -79.453635 43.7141749 -79.453786 43.7141526 -79.453935 43.7141509 -79.454096 43.7141337 -79.454205 43.7141218 -79.454339 43.7141069 -79.454478 43.7140967 -79.454650 43.7140818 -79.454740 43.7140800 -79.455527 43.7139379 -79.456810 43.7136618 -79.458583 43.7132736 -79.460868 43.7127461 -79.462079 43.7124833 -79.463227 43.7122377 -79.465662 43.7116851 -79.465910 43.7116704 -79.466609 43.7115447 -79.468983 43.71103105350279.01,-79.449161 43.7036453 -79.452256 43.7029668 -79.452257 43.7029687 -79.452415 43.7035831 -79.452471 43.7038180 -79.452614 43.7045132 -79.452917 43.7057689 -79.452982 43.7061568 -79.453171 43.7069788 -79.453384 43.7079001 -79.453439 43.7081619 -79.453664 43.7090542 -79.453664 43.7090564 -79.453779 43.7097065 -79.453839 43.7099861 -79.453971 43.7106542 -79.454016 43.7108078 -79.454052 43.7109817 -79.454301 43.7121780 -79.454337 43.7123518 -79.454492 43.7130653 -79.454740 43.7140800 -79.454650 43.7140818 -79.454478 43.7140967 -79.454339 43.7141069 -79.454205 43.7141218 -79.454096 43.7141337 -79.453935 43.7141509 -79.453786 43.7141526 -79.453635 43.7141749 -79.453490 43.7141852 -79.453348 43.7142055 -79.453224 43.7142206 -79.453116 43.7142311 -79.453062 43.7142396 -79.453000 43.7142493 -79.452853 43.7142709 -79.452718 43.7142967 -79.452602 43.7143103 -79.452505 43.7143195 -79.452424 43.7143247 -79.451315 43.7145629 -79.449466 43.7149600 -79.448392 43.7152065 -79.446507 43.7156131 -79.446060 43.7156984 -79.444970 43.7159322 -79.444706 43.7159885 -79.444458 43.7160414 -79.444454 43.7160422 -79.444236 43.7160890 -79.444010 43.7161372 -79.443987 43.7160831 -79.443789 43.7155942 -79.443415 43.7146887 -79.443391 43.7146343 -79.442788 43.7130054 -79.442699 43.7127884 -79.442562 43.7124665 -79.442492 43.7123007 -79.442411 43.7121098 -79.442359 43.7119960 -79.442306 43.7118826 -79.442252 43.7117692 -79.442197 43.7116562 -79.442142 43.7115432 -79.442086 43.7114305 -79.442029 43.7113180 -79.442006 43.7112740 -79.441971 43.7112058 -79.441913 43.7110936 -79.441853 43.7109818 -79.441793 43.7108701 -79.441788 43.7108595 -79.441733 43.7107587 -79.441671 43.7106476 -79.441522 43.7104213 -79.441012 43.7096479 -79.440978 43.7095952 -79.440976 43.7095934 -79.440484 43.7088458 -79.439854 43.7078895 -79.439853 43.7078877 -79.439278 43.7070164 -79.439191 43.7068792 -79.439104 43.7067425 -79.439016 43.7066058 -79.438927 43.7064695 -79.438837 43.7063335 -79.438746 43.7061978 -79.438655 43.7060624 -79.438628 43.7060182 -79.438675 43.7059851 -79.438914 43.7058150 -79.439037 43.7057856 -79.439373 43.7057049 -79.439379 43.7056752 -79.439379 43.7056750 -79.440101 43.7055766 -79.442270 43.7051699 -79.444846 43.7046192 -79.447268 43.7040675 -79.449161 43.70364535350279.02,-79.464400 43.7002546 -79.467101 43.6997183 -79.468019 43.7029109 -79.468421 43.7043740 -79.468467 43.7045407 -79.468516 43.7047186 -79.468692 43.7053605 -79.468977 43.7067772 -79.469011 43.7069478 -79.469046 43.7071247 -79.469749 43.7106234 -79.469769 43.7107193 -79.469779 43.7107673 -79.469785 43.7107967 -79.469797 43.7108542 -79.469797 43.7108547 -79.468983 43.7110310 -79.466609 43.7115447 -79.465910 43.7116704 -79.465662 43.7116851 -79.463227 43.7122377 -79.462079 43.7124833 -79.460868 43.7127461 -79.458583 43.7132736 -79.456810 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