Data source:Statistic Canada - National Household Survey (NHS)
About this indicatorThis category includes dwellings needing major repairs such as dwellings with defective plumbing or electrical wiring and dwellings needing structural repairs to walls, floors or ceilings.
- Clanton Park Neighborhood, note on geographic borders: because districts shapes are a based on Statistic Canada Census Tract, they may differ from officials limits.
* This position is relative to all census tract from Great Toronto Qué - Canada
5350288.00,-79.434813 43.7405837 -79.434721 43.7402508 -79.434650 43.7399943 -79.434423 43.7391329 -79.434232 43.7384053 -79.434052 43.7376017 -79.433994 43.7373477 -79.433943 43.7371373 -79.433780 43.7364566 -79.433748 43.7363569 -79.433746 43.7363504 -79.433694 43.7361386 -79.433972 43.7359798 -79.433972 43.7359796 -79.436255 43.7346423 -79.436986 43.7342111 -79.437019 43.7341953 -79.438194 43.7335144 -79.439253 43.7329008 -79.439906 43.7325223 -79.439986 43.7324784 -79.440075 43.7324345 -79.440151 43.7323950 -79.440238 43.7323519 -79.440321 43.7323111 -79.440404 43.7322710 -79.440488 43.7322313 -79.440578 43.7321893 -79.440653 43.7321544 -79.440735 43.7321179 -79.440829 43.7320757 -79.440913 43.7320399 -79.440999 43.7320031 -79.441075 43.7319713 -79.441168 43.7319331 -79.441254 43.7318983 -79.441287 43.7318854 -79.441341 43.7318638 -79.441426 43.7318307 -79.441517 43.7317959 -79.441614 43.7317597 -79.441703 43.7317269 -79.441795 43.7316928 -79.441883 43.7316629 -79.441970 43.7316320 -79.442060 43.7315987 -79.442133 43.7315712 -79.442205 43.7315450 -79.442295 43.7315131 -79.442371 43.7314864 -79.442446 43.7314608 -79.442532 43.7314321 -79.442609 43.7314067 -79.442695 43.7313799 -79.442770 43.7313566 -79.442859 43.7313297 -79.442947 43.7313032 -79.443020 43.7312831 -79.443108 43.7312585 -79.443197 43.7312347 -79.443269 43.7312153 -79.443360 43.7311919 -79.443443 43.7311712 -79.443527 43.7311508 -79.443610 43.7311323 -79.443697 43.7311116 -79.443782 43.7310929 -79.443872 43.7310738 -79.443959 43.7310559 -79.445054 43.7308224 -79.446472 43.7305202 -79.448474 43.7300901 -79.448494 43.7300858 -79.448534 43.7300767 -79.448726 43.7300333 -79.448804 43.7300167 -79.448891 43.7299982 -79.448908 43.7299951 -79.449089 43.7299604 -79.449091 43.7299601 -79.449106 43.7299567 -79.449264 43.7299213 -79.449285 43.7299166 -79.451525 43.7294302 -79.456683 43.7283113 -79.457477 43.7281429 -79.457482 43.7281420 -79.457769 43.7280829 -79.457843 43.7280659 -79.457878 43.7280616 -79.457930 43.7282706 -79.457930 43.7282728 -79.457953 43.7283675 -79.458127 43.7290905 -79.458356 43.7299224 -79.458370 43.7299762 -79.458627 43.7309126 -79.458907 43.7320857 -79.457652 43.7323531 -79.453051 43.7333332 -79.452852 43.7333763 -79.451840 43.7335947 -79.452894 43.7339441 -79.456340 43.7378187 -79.456096 43.7385466 -79.456003 43.7388256 -79.455992 43.7388557 -79.455976 43.7389053 -79.455965 43.7389381 -79.455949 43.7389845 -79.455937 43.7390212 -79.455919 43.7390747 -79.455901 43.7391297 -79.455886 43.7391740 -79.455615 43.7399822 -79.456097 43.7401131 -79.456248 43.7401539 -79.457308 43.7404416 -79.457468 43.7404850 -79.457530 43.7406308 -79.457880 43.7414525 -79.458086 43.7419569 -79.458087 43.7419579 -79.458254 43.7423675 -79.455496 43.7428692 -79.454795 43.7429538 -79.452793 43.7435192 -79.452579 43.7430040 -79.451755 43.7431908 -79.451069 43.7433077 -79.448796 43.7437900 -79.447697 43.7440182 -79.447185 43.7441373 -79.445774 43.7444422 -79.445599 43.7444759 -79.444462 43.7447396 -79.443376 43.7449589 -79.443126 43.7450095 -79.442014 43.7452644 -79.441926 43.7452993 -79.441838 43.7453431 -79.441259 43.7456593 -79.440969 43.7458083 -79.440818 43.7458783 -79.440752 43.7460216 -79.440529 43.7465137 -79.440487 43.7466661 -79.440350 43.7466823 -79.440201 43.7467073 -79.437865 43.7472156 -79.437728 43.7472317 -79.436461 43.7472414 -79.436228 43.7461487 -79.436027 43.7452817 -79.435993 43.7451552 -79.435788 43.7444500 -79.435744 43.7442514 -79.435588 43.7435470 -79.435301 43.7426427 -79.435075 43.7417932 -79.435021 43.7414953 -79.434864 43.7408671 -79.434813 43.74058375350297.02,-79.440487 43.7466661 -79.440529 43.7465137 -79.440752 43.7460216 -79.440818 43.7458783 -79.440969 43.7458083 -79.441259 43.7456593 -79.441838 43.7453431 -79.441926 43.7452993 -79.442014 43.7452644 -79.443126 43.7450095 -79.443376 43.7449589 -79.444462 43.7447396 -79.445599 43.7444759 -79.445774 43.7444422 -79.447185 43.7441373 -79.447697 43.7440182 -79.448796 43.7437900 -79.451069 43.7433077 -79.451755 43.7431908 -79.452579 43.7430040 -79.452793 43.7435192 -79.452872 43.7437012 -79.453278 43.7447387 -79.453280 43.7447422 -79.453571 43.7454755 -79.453595 43.7455298 -79.453875 43.7462178 -79.453910 43.7462993 -79.454027 43.7465890 -79.454464 43.7476827 -79.454540 43.7478746 -79.454715 43.7483180 -79.454718 43.7483229 -79.454892 43.7486986 -79.456241 43.7483927 -79.458127 43.7479859 -79.458208 43.7479871 -79.458214 43.7479872 -79.458250 43.7480147 -79.458299 43.7480783 -79.458357 43.7482142 -79.458660 43.7489837 -79.459086 43.7500251 -79.459501 43.7510768 -79.459018 43.7511782 -79.458712 43.7512423 -79.458658 43.7512537 -79.458479 43.7512912 -79.458119 43.7513668 -79.457985 43.7513948 -79.457886 43.7514156 -79.457695 43.7514556 -79.457375 43.7515227 -79.456739 43.7516561 -79.455678 43.7518876 -79.455446 43.7519383 -79.454777 43.7520843 -79.454762 43.7520875 -79.453963 43.7522537 -79.453729 43.7523022 -79.453454 43.7523595 -79.453221 43.7524080 -79.451907 43.7526812 -79.450208 43.7530560 -79.448385 43.7534455 -79.448060 43.7535130 -79.445762 43.7540040 -79.445496 43.7540605 -79.445263 43.7541099 -79.444039 43.7543700 -79.443736 43.7544342 -79.443451 43.7544948 -79.443151 43.7545627 -79.441390 43.7549350 -79.440516 43.7551121 -79.440154 43.7551859 -79.439068 43.7554050 -79.438760 43.7554399 -79.438470 43.7554513 -79.438234 43.7544866 -79.438192 43.7543135 -79.437976 43.7534297 -79.437875 43.7530321 -79.437831 43.7528155 -79.437809 43.7527297 -79.437762 43.7525457 -79.437718 43.7523727 -79.437517 43.7514876 -79.437325 43.7507564 -79.437170 43.7500512 -79.437148 43.7499429 -79.437024 43.7494730 -79.436934 43.7491116 -79.436708 43.7482532 -79.436461 43.7472414 -79.437728 43.7472317 -79.437865 43.7472156 -79.440201 43.7467073 -79.440350 43.7466823 -79.440487 43.7466661