Data source:Statistic Canada - National Household Survey (NHS)
About this indicatorPopulation who Studied in social and behavioural sciences or law
- Yonge-Eglinton Neighborhood, note on geographic borders: because districts shapes are a based on Statistic Canada Census Tract, they may differ from officials limits.
* This position is relative to all census tract from Great Toronto Qué - Canada
5350129.00,-79.396193 43.6961181 -79.396096 43.6956541 -79.396457 43.6956317 -79.396499 43.6956437 -79.396561 43.6956615 -79.396614 43.6956766 -79.396660 43.6956897 -79.396737 43.6957116 -79.396786 43.6957257 -79.396918 43.6957633 -79.397022 43.6957931 -79.397648 43.6959715 -79.398637 43.6962572 -79.398672 43.6962662 -79.399069 43.6963649 -79.399246 43.6963778 -79.399304 43.6963739 -79.400081 43.6963834 -79.400269 43.6964456 -79.400322 43.6964609 -79.400539 43.6965223 -79.400774 43.6965886 -79.402382 43.6970438 -79.402604 43.6971068 -79.402733 43.6971432 -79.402833 43.6971716 -79.402976 43.6972119 -79.403142 43.6972590 -79.403184 43.6972710 -79.403368 43.6973231 -79.403593 43.6973868 -79.404281 43.6975813 -79.405252 43.6979242 -79.405465 43.6979994 -79.405606 43.6980491 -79.405687 43.6980780 -79.405855 43.6981371 -79.406041 43.6982029 -79.406290 43.6982906 -79.406502 43.6983655 -79.406725 43.6984444 -79.408814 43.6991816 -79.409014 43.6992523 -79.409025 43.6992562 -79.409421 43.6999044 -79.409357 43.6999667 -79.409344 43.7000204 -79.409355 43.7000747 -79.409390 43.7001562 -79.409855 43.7013152 -79.410250 43.7023380 -79.410798 43.7036969 -79.410949 43.7040764 -79.409614 43.7043550 -79.408503 43.7045917 -79.407392 43.7048284 -79.406518 43.7050142 -79.406119 43.7050986 -79.404883 43.7053516 -79.403735 43.7055967 -79.403546 43.7056390 -79.402749 43.7058169 -79.401725 43.7060277 -79.401438 43.7060958 -79.400265 43.7063494 -79.398356 43.7067278 -79.398222 43.7061407 -79.398182 43.7059534 -79.398075 43.7054569 -79.397836 43.7043435 -79.397816 43.7041453 -79.397675 43.7033869 -79.397653 43.7032875 -79.397488 43.7025020 -79.397333 43.7017885 -79.397202 43.7011293 -79.397147 43.7008495 -79.397025 43.7002896 -79.396940 43.6997841 -79.396853 43.6993236 -79.396632 43.6982942 -79.396458 43.6973643 -79.396193 43.69611815350135.00,-79.407392 43.7048284 -79.408503 43.7045917 -79.408562 43.7046915 -79.408632 43.7048816 -79.408702 43.7050356 -79.408797 43.7051900 -79.408894 43.7052725 -79.408955 43.7053183 -79.409016 43.7053551 -79.409151 43.7054200 -79.409286 43.7054760 -79.409421 43.7055408 -79.409518 43.7056233 -79.409615 43.7057327 -79.409687 43.7058237 -79.409721 43.7059232 -79.409744 43.7060045 -79.409729 43.7060764 -79.409956 43.7068988 -79.410146 43.7077119 -79.410201 43.7079467 -79.410257 43.7081727 -79.410351 43.7083720 -79.410398 43.7085078 -79.410421 43.7085711 -79.410770 43.7094493 -79.411119 43.7103276 -79.411481 43.7111788 -79.409272 43.7116343 -79.407574 43.7120068 -79.405926 43.7123711 -79.405714 43.7124132 -79.403741 43.7128358 -79.401644 43.7132837 -79.399822 43.7136454 -79.399813 43.7135191 -79.399703 43.7129955 -79.399548 43.7122820 -79.399461 43.7118305 -79.399307 43.7110721 -79.399274 43.7109096 -79.398987 43.7095819 -79.398851 43.7090849 -79.398664 43.7081998 -79.398620 43.7079831 -79.398356 43.7067278 -79.400265 43.7063494 -79.401438 43.7060958 -79.401725 43.7060277 -79.402749 43.7058169 -79.403546 43.7056390 -79.403735 43.7055967 -79.404883 43.7053516 -79.406119 43.7050986 -79.406518 43.7050142 -79.407392 43.7048284