Data source:Statistic Canada - National Household Survey (NHS)
About this indicatorEconomic family after-tax income decile group - The economic family income decile group provides a rough ranking of the economic situation of a person based on his or her relative position in the Canadian distribution of the adjusted after-tax income of economic families for all persons in private households.
Using data from the 2016 Census of Population, the population in private households is sorted according to its adjusted after-tax family income and then divided into 10 equal groups each containing 10% of the population. The decile cut-points are the levels of adjusted after-tax family income that define the 10 groups.
- Casa Loma Neighborhood, note on geographic borders: because districts shapes are a based on Statistic Canada Census Tract, they may differ from officials limits.
* This position is relative to all census tract from Great Toronto Qué - Canada
5350117.00,-79.400222 43.6771406 -79.401374 43.6767875 -79.402723 43.6764650 -79.402761 43.6764558 -79.402802 43.6764469 -79.402895 43.6764262 -79.402990 43.6764052 -79.403031 43.6763961 -79.403188 43.6763636 -79.405144 43.6759579 -79.407176 43.6755270 -79.407349 43.6754897 -79.407451 43.6754676 -79.412016 43.6745049 -79.412191 43.6744692 -79.412424 43.6744225 -79.412630 43.6743821 -79.412825 43.6743440 -79.413008 43.6743081 -79.413326 43.6742458 -79.413686 43.6741751 -79.413805 43.6741519 -79.413997 43.6741112 -79.414144 43.6740781 -79.414349 43.6740317 -79.414480 43.6740022 -79.414611 43.6739735 -79.414704 43.6739539 -79.414720 43.6740010 -79.414836 43.6743277 -79.415520 43.6760614 -79.415522 43.6760660 -79.415777 43.6767268 -79.415207 43.6767280 -79.414710 43.6767300 -79.413356 43.6768014 -79.412215 43.6767945 -79.410353 43.6768316 -79.410129 43.6768645 -79.409867 43.6769329 -79.409242 43.6771043 -79.408117 43.6774128 -79.406968 43.6777299 -79.406168 43.6779528 -79.406081 43.6779606 -79.406006 43.6779686 -79.405857 43.6779664 -79.405783 43.6779655 -79.405560 43.6779354 -79.405388 43.6778790 -79.405241 43.6778138 -79.404866 43.6779077 -79.404332 43.6779632 -79.403809 43.6780190 -79.403188 43.6780463 -79.403061 43.6786298 -79.402998 43.6791421 -79.402995 43.6792501 -79.402992 43.6793401 -79.403000 43.6795113 -79.403033 43.6796829 -79.403043 43.6797640 -79.403016 43.6798357 -79.402965 43.6799249 -79.402858 43.6800744 -79.402539 43.6805222 -79.400017 43.6810736 -79.399209 43.6811238 -79.399059 43.6807616 -79.398931 43.6804538 -79.398721 43.6799556 -79.398546 43.6795479 -79.398336 43.6790318 -79.398127 43.6785278 -79.398126 43.6785246 -79.397998 43.6781988 -79.397954 43.6780840 -79.397971 43.6780764 -79.398008 43.6780601 -79.398176 43.6779849 -79.399043 43.6775918 -79.400222 43.67714065350118.00,-79.409995 43.6819318 -79.409926 43.6817598 -79.409545 43.6817834 -79.408889 43.6815257 -79.407960 43.6814810 -79.407417 43.6812988 -79.407048 43.6810379 -79.406306 43.6809459 -79.405724 43.6809436 -79.405228 43.6808499 -79.404541 43.6808178 -79.403738 43.6806327 -79.403740 43.6806290 -79.403741 43.6805751 -79.403743 43.6805121 -79.403745 43.6804490 -79.403734 43.6803949 -79.403724 43.6802777 -79.403725 43.6802743 -79.403740 43.6801699 -79.403767 43.6800623 -79.403820 43.6799279 -79.403886 43.6798028 -79.403964 43.6796689 -79.404018 43.6794985 -79.404059 43.6793370 -79.404075 43.6792021 -79.404105 43.6790044 -79.404122 43.6788516 -79.404126 43.6787077 -79.404116 43.6785994 -79.404095 43.6784641 -79.404073 43.6783648 -79.404025 43.6782740 -79.403954 43.6781740 -79.403906 43.6780923 -79.403870 43.6780649 -79.403809 43.6780190 -79.404332 43.6779632 -79.404866 43.6779077 -79.405241 43.6778138 -79.405388 43.6778790 -79.405560 43.6779354 -79.405783 43.6779655 -79.405857 43.6779664 -79.406006 43.6779686 -79.406081 43.6779606 -79.406168 43.6779528 -79.406968 43.6777299 -79.408117 43.6774128 -79.409242 43.6771043 -79.409867 43.6769329 -79.410129 43.6768645 -79.410353 43.6768316 -79.412215 43.6767945 -79.413356 43.6768014 -79.414710 43.6767300 -79.415207 43.6767280 -79.415777 43.6767268 -79.416430 43.6783296 -79.416567 43.6787726 -79.416741 43.6792432 -79.416974 43.6798138 -79.417078 43.6800944 -79.417463 43.6810450 -79.417660 43.6815609 -79.417686 43.6816248 -79.417799 43.6819140 -79.418093 43.6826490 -79.418114 43.6827018 -79.418265 43.6830821 -79.418288 43.6831634 -79.418311 43.6832268 -79.418416 43.6834892 -79.418473 43.6836232 -79.418474 43.6836252 -79.418497 43.6836749 -79.418533 43.6837521 -79.418551 43.6837947 -79.416837 43.6842165 -79.416215 43.6843380 -79.415078 43.6845473 -79.413699 43.6849285 -79.413002 43.6850539 -79.412570 43.6851065 -79.412054 43.6852025 -79.411965 43.6852195 -79.411452 43.6853172 -79.411341 43.6850509 -79.411340 43.6850479 -79.411153 43.6846221 -79.411043 43.6845304 -79.410533 43.6832512 -79.410368 43.6828373 -79.410232 43.6825012 -79.410229 43.6824933 -79.410180 43.6823808 -79.410077 43.6821402 -79.410077 43.6821400 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-79.403740 43.6806290 -79.403738 43.6806327 -79.404541 43.6808178 -79.405228 43.6808499 -79.405724 43.6809436 -79.406306 43.6809459 -79.407048 43.6810379 -79.407417 43.6812988 -79.407960 43.6814810 -79.408889 43.6815257 -79.409545 43.6817834 -79.409926 43.6817598 -79.409995 43.6819318 -79.410030 43.6820314 -79.410077 43.6821400 -79.410077 43.6821402 -79.410180 43.6823808 -79.410229 43.6824933 -79.410232 43.6825012 -79.410368 43.6828373 -79.410533 43.6832512 -79.411043 43.6845304 -79.411153 43.6846221 -79.411340 43.6850479 -79.411341 43.6850509 -79.411452 43.6853172 -79.411965 43.6852195 -79.412054 43.6852025 -79.412486 43.6862783 -79.412562 43.6865353 -79.412610 43.6866720 -79.412824 43.6872203 -79.412809 43.6872226 -79.412261 43.6873342 -79.412295 43.6874202 -79.412432 43.6877626 -79.412562 43.6880991 -79.412584 43.6881984 -79.412618 43.6883339 -79.412616 43.6884239 -79.412626 43.6885141 -79.412659 43.6886586 -79.412172 43.6887689 -79.412120 43.6887799 -79.409477 43.6893348 -79.409499 43.6894341 -79.407939 43.6897816 -79.406393 43.6900751 -79.404883 43.6903873 -79.403005 43.6907757 -79.403049 43.6907333 -79.403072 43.6906808 -79.403072 43.6906263 -79.402322 43.6887127 -79.402072 43.6880907 -79.401519 43.6867117 -79.401483 43.6866340 -79.401111 43.6857066 -79.400832 43.6850183 -79.400516 43.6843026