Data source:Statistic Canada - National Household Survey (NHS)
About this indicatorEconomic family after-tax income decile group - The economic family income decile group provides a rough ranking of the economic situation of a person based on his or her relative position in the Canadian distribution of the adjusted after-tax income of economic families for all persons in private households.
Using data from the 2016 Census of Population, the population in private households is sorted according to its adjusted after-tax family income and then divided into 10 equal groups each containing 10% of the population. The decile cut-points are the levels of adjusted after-tax family income that define the 10 groups.
- Mount Pleasant West Neighborhood, note on geographic borders: because districts shapes are a based on Statistic Canada Census Tract, they may differ from officials limits.
* This position is relative to all census tract from Great Toronto Qué - Canada
5350128.04,-79.393725 43.6960157 -79.396096 43.6956541 -79.396193 43.6961181 -79.396458 43.6973643 -79.395671 43.6975335 -79.395438 43.6975818 -79.390668 43.6985705 -79.390463 43.6985953 -79.390236 43.6986582 -79.390218 43.6986632 -79.390002 43.6987010 -79.389932 43.6987132 -79.389670 43.6987455 -79.389422 43.6987600 -79.386727 43.6992983 -79.386517 43.6983228 -79.386471 43.6981691 -79.386309 43.6977437 -79.386264 43.6976257 -79.388602 43.6971228 -79.390831 43.6966371 -79.391675 43.6964533 -79.393526 43.6960582 -79.393725 43.69601575350129.00,-79.396193 43.6961181 -79.396096 43.6956541 -79.396457 43.6956317 -79.396499 43.6956437 -79.396561 43.6956615 -79.396614 43.6956766 -79.396660 43.6956897 -79.396737 43.6957116 -79.396786 43.6957257 -79.396918 43.6957633 -79.397022 43.6957931 -79.397648 43.6959715 -79.398637 43.6962572 -79.398672 43.6962662 -79.399069 43.6963649 -79.399246 43.6963778 -79.399304 43.6963739 -79.400081 43.6963834 -79.400269 43.6964456 -79.400322 43.6964609 -79.400539 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