Data source:Statistic Canada - National Household Survey (NHS)
About this indicatorEconomic family after-tax income decile group - The economic family income decile group provides a rough ranking of the economic situation of a person based on his or her relative position in the Canadian distribution of the adjusted after-tax income of economic families for all persons in private households.
Using data from the 2016 Census of Population, the population in private households is sorted according to its adjusted after-tax family income and then divided into 10 equal groups each containing 10% of the population. The decile cut-points are the levels of adjusted after-tax family income that define the 10 groups.
- Willowdale West Neighborhood, note on geographic borders: because districts shapes are a based on Statistic Canada Census Tract, they may differ from officials limits.
* This position is relative to all census tract from Great Toronto Qué - Canada
5350308.03,-79.426647 43.7762067 -79.426097 43.7748937 -79.423523 43.7754704 -79.421998 43.7758096 -79.421648 43.7749494 -79.422535 43.7747456 -79.424048 43.7744062 -79.423697 43.7735551 -79.423323 43.7726676 -79.422773 43.7713814 -79.420348 43.7719152 -79.419611 43.7701763 -79.425185 43.7689386 -79.426660 43.7686079 -79.426824 43.7689792 -79.426871 43.7690700 -79.426918 43.7691787 -79.426978 43.7692784 -79.427050 43.7693695 -79.427111 43.7694244 -79.427172 43.7694703 -79.427232 43.7695250 -79.427292 43.7696249 -79.427351 43.7697427 -79.427420 43.7699328 -79.427585 43.7703042 -79.428135 43.7715993 -79.428497 43.7724597 -79.428895 43.7734015 -79.429364 43.7744795 -79.429811 43.7755099 -79.430244 43.7764867 -79.427763 43.7770433 -79.427056 43.7772028 -79.426647 43.77620675350308.02,-79.437926 43.7630697 -79.440250 43.7626868 -79.440422 43.7633899 -79.440423 43.7633941 -79.440588 43.7640700 -79.440589 43.7640767 -79.440922 43.7654574 -79.441071 43.7661214 -79.441226 43.7668166 -79.441431 43.7676937 -79.441690 43.7685630 -79.441895 43.7694738 -79.442128 43.7703680 -79.442525 43.7719854 -79.442597 43.7723080 -79.442997 43.7738519 -79.442671 43.7738832 -79.442068 43.7739459 -79.441492 43.7740266 -79.441029 43.7740989 -79.438842 43.7745913 -79.437367 43.7749223 -79.436480 43.7751172 -79.435005 43.7754391 -79.433867 43.7757028 -79.432718 43.7759481 -79.431711 43.7761816 -79.430244 43.7764867 -79.429811 43.7755099 -79.429364 43.7744795 -79.428895 43.7734015 -79.428497 43.7724597 -79.428135 43.7715993 -79.427585 43.7703042 -79.427420 43.7699328 -79.427351 43.7697427 -79.427292 43.7696249 -79.427232 43.7695250 -79.427172 43.7694703 -79.427111 43.7694244 -79.427050 43.7693695 -79.426978 43.7692784 -79.426918 43.7691787 -79.426871 43.7690700 -79.426824 43.7689792 -79.426660 43.7686079 -79.426111 43.7672857 -79.425736 43.7663982 -79.425554 43.7659717 -79.426045 43.7658612 -79.430085 43.7649531 -79.430313 43.7648961 -79.431936 43.7644904 -79.434091 43.7640158 -79.434439 43.7638905 -79.437926 43.76306975350308.04,-79.414373 43.7751498 -79.414019 43.7737709 -79.413821 43.7729703 -79.413626 43.7722506 -79.413563 43.7719851 -79.413305 43.7709856 -79.413203 43.7705652 -79.413099 43.7701318 -79.412986 43.7696577 -79.412893 43.7692668 -79.412659 43.7683867 -79.412437 43.7674643 -79.412306 43.7669321 -79.412236 43.7666803 -79.412413 43.7666568 -79.412590 43.7666593 -79.412697 43.7666429 -79.413293 43.7665141 -79.413298 43.7665138 -79.413392 43.7665096 -79.413490 43.7665138 -79.413675 43.7665537 -79.413677 43.7665542 -79.413828 43.7665853 -79.413919 43.7665956 -79.414052 43.7665956 -79.414163 43.7665918 -79.414301 43.7665737 -79.414410 43.7665479 -79.415364 43.7663269 -79.415756 43.7672360 -79.416121 43.7680796 -79.416619 43.7679682 -79.425108 43.7660712 -79.425554 43.7659717 -79.425736 43.7663982 -79.426111 43.7672857 -79.426660 43.7686079 -79.425185 43.7689386 -79.419611 43.7701763 -79.420348 43.7719152 -79.422773 43.7713814 -79.423323 43.7726676 -79.423697 43.7735551 -79.424048 43.7744062 -79.422535 43.7747456 -79.421648 43.7749494 -79.421998 43.7758096 -79.423523 43.7754704 -79.426097 43.7748937 -79.426647 43.7762067 -79.427056 43.7772028 -79.425388 43.7775819 -79.424268 43.7778242 -79.422974 43.7781159 -79.422058 43.7783141 -79.421605 43.7784120 -79.421519 43.7784320 -79.420631 43.7786449 -79.420293 43.7787122 -79.419568 43.7788732 -79.418969 43.7790090 -79.418493 43.7791285 -79.417656 43.7793060 -79.417420 43.7793631 -79.415566 43.7797620 -79.415302 43.7787747 -79.415293 43.7787410 -79.415275 43.7786732 -79.415233 43.7785088 -79.415189 43.7783358 -79.415152 43.7781896 -79.415108 43.7780166 -79.415075 43.7778838 -79.414838 43.7769395 -79.414742 43.7765781 -79.414548 43.7758270 -79.414503 43.7756542 -79.414459 43.7754820 -79.414417 43.7753227 -79.414373 43.7751498