Data source:Statistic Canada - National Household Survey (NHS)
About this indicatorEconomic family after-tax income decile group - The economic family income decile group provides a rough ranking of the economic situation of a person based on his or her relative position in the Canadian distribution of the adjusted after-tax income of economic families for all persons in private households.
Using data from the 2016 Census of Population, the population in private households is sorted according to its adjusted after-tax family income and then divided into 10 equal groups each containing 10% of the population. The decile cut-points are the levels of adjusted after-tax family income that define the 10 groups.
- Cliffcrest Neighborhood, note on geographic borders: because districts shapes are a based on Statistic Canada Census Tract, they may differ from officials limits.
* This position is relative to all census tract from Great Toronto Qué - Canada
5350333.00,-79.228892 43.7413476 -79.228680 43.7410536 -79.228354 43.7411275 -79.228320 43.7410143 -79.228233 43.7407218 -79.228174 43.7405813 -79.227920 43.7399748 -79.227072 43.7379719 -79.226642 43.7369659 -79.226249 43.7360053 -79.225934 43.7352891 -79.225819 43.7349813 -79.225401 43.7340203 -79.225066 43.7332323 -79.224617 43.7321907 -79.225427 43.7314598 -79.225165 43.7313278 -79.224864 43.7311757 -79.224815 43.7311570 -79.224794 43.7310126 -79.224677 43.7307677 -79.224660 43.7305063 -79.224626 43.7304067 -79.224445 43.7302328 -79.223981 43.7299555 -79.223563 43.7298230 -79.223115 43.7298340 -79.222591 43.7295017 -79.222159 43.7294410 -79.221188 43.7291017 -79.221141 43.7290918 -79.220900 43.7290413 -79.220818 43.7290240 -79.220745 43.7289688 -79.220701 43.7289536 -79.220609 43.7289217 -79.220489 43.7287937 -79.220466 43.7287214 -79.220345 43.7286294 -79.220185 43.7285909 -79.220100 43.7285266 -79.219903 43.7284929 -79.219754 43.7284672 -79.219658 43.7284175 -79.219521 43.7283465 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43.7019540 -79.244715 43.7027964 -79.245144 43.7038385 -79.245237 43.7040471 -79.245283 43.7041648 -79.245318 43.7042373 -79.245367 43.7042831 -79.245415 43.7043378 -79.245463 43.7043836 -79.245512 43.7044114 -79.245536 43.7044298 -79.245610 43.7044489 -79.245671 43.7044769 -79.245733 43.7044958 -79.245819 43.7045061 -79.245918 43.7045257 -79.245980 43.7045266 -79.246054 43.7045458 -79.246140 43.7045651 -79.246239 43.7045846 -79.246313 43.7046038 -79.246362 43.7046315 -79.246411 43.7046503 -79.246448 43.7046689 -79.246496 43.7046966 -79.246533 43.7047332 -79.246569 43.7047518 -79.246606 43.7047793 -79.246642 43.7048069 -79.246691 43.7048527 -79.246727 43.7048892 -79.246750 43.7049347 -79.246786 43.7049891 -79.246809 43.7050346 -79.246832 43.7050980 -79.246867 43.7051795 -79.246889 43.7052699 -79.246944 43.7055318 -79.246975 43.7057483 -79.246997 43.7058388 -79.247031 43.7059164 -79.247052 43.7059801 -79.247055 43.7059865 -79.247080 43.7060432 -79.247114 43.7061112 -79.247148 43.7061624 -79.247182 43.7062268 -79.247238 43.7062980 -79.247411 43.7065483 -79.247451 43.7066077 -79.247483 43.7066630 -79.247503 43.7067219 -79.247519 43.7067723 -79.247527 43.7068364 -79.247527 43.7068879 -79.247520 43.7069364 -79.247509 43.7069999 -79.247501 43.7070546 -79.247469 43.7070965 -79.247431 43.7071542 -79.247386 43.7072001 -79.247336 43.7072496 -79.247275 43.7072958 -79.247209 43.7073454 -79.247139 43.7074005 -79.246965 43.7075330 -79.246848 43.7076167 -79.246772 43.7076703 -79.246761 43.7076782 -79.246831 43.7078466 -79.247070 43.7084239 -79.247407 43.7092124 -79.247814 43.7101822 -79.247882 43.7103812 -79.248101 43.7109368 -79.248112 43.7109594 -79.248219 43.7112369 -79.247988 43.7114980 -79.247966 43.7115234 -79.247948 43.7115437 -79.247543 43.7119233 -79.247536 43.7119303 -79.246897 43.7125293 -79.246169 43.7132127 -79.245153 43.7141659 -79.244043 43.7151474 -79.243382 43.7157324 -79.241056 43.7177913 -79.240412 43.7183608 -79.239855 43.7188444 -79.238900 43.7196734 -79.238221 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