House major repairs needed  (%) - Down Town - CMA of Montréal

Montréal   CMA
Min:    -  Max: 

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Data source:

Statistic Canada - National Household Survey (NHS) 2011

About this indicator

This category includes dwellings needing major repairs such as dwellings with defective plumbing or electrical wiring and dwellings needing structural repairs to walls, floors or ceilings.

- Down Town , note on geographic borders: because districts shapes are a based on Statistic Canada Census Tract, they may differ from officials limits.

* This position is relative to all census tract from Great Montréal Québec - Canada

4620056.00,-73.559591 45.5041375 -73.560409 45.5031955 -73.561222 45.5036147 -73.561266 45.5036375 -73.561338 45.5037110 -73.561360 45.5037210 -73.561478 45.5037737 -73.561617 45.5038359 -73.561758 45.5038264 -73.562702 45.5042772 -73.563649 45.5047316 -73.564285 45.5050295 -73.564612 45.5051927 -73.564780 45.5052742 -73.566453 45.5060807 -73.566946 45.5062964 -73.566507 45.5068013 -73.566183 45.5071742 -73.564812 45.5087326 -73.564160 45.5094616 -73.563822 45.5098706 -73.562605 45.5093120 -73.562128 45.5090833 -73.561667 45.5088700 -73.561495 45.5087905 -73.559962 45.5081045 -73.558699 45.5075202 -73.558456 45.5074076 -73.558338 45.5073527 -73.558123 45.5072531 -73.558075 45.5072311 -73.557923 45.5071607 -73.557258 45.5068718 -73.557600 45.5064635 -73.558259 45.5057380 -73.558788 45.5050914 -73.559162 45.5046558 -73.559339 45.5044461 -73.559591 45.50413754620057.00,-73.556240 45.5083895 -73.557258 45.5068718 -73.557923 45.5071607 -73.558075 45.5072311 -73.558123 45.5072531 -73.558338 45.5073527 -73.558456 45.5074076 -73.558699 45.5075202 -73.559962 45.5081045 -73.561495 45.5087905 -73.561667 45.5088700 -73.562128 45.5090833 -73.562605 45.5093120 -73.563822 45.5098706 -73.563407 45.5103388 -73.562990 45.5108069 -73.562827 45.5109936 -73.562695 45.5111446 -73.562201 45.5117162 -73.561020 45.5111831 -73.560107 45.5107690 -73.559918 45.5106825 -73.559389 45.5104407 -73.558556 45.5100669 -73.557319 45.5095175 -73.556761 45.5092527 -73.556566 45.5091603 -73.556386 45.5090748 -73.555805 45.5087995 -73.556029 45.5085359 -73.556240 45.50838954620058.00,-73.555051 45.5098744 -73.555805 45.5087995 -73.556386 45.5090748 -73.556566 45.5091603 -73.556761 45.5092527 -73.557319 45.5095175 -73.558556 45.5100669 -73.559389 45.5104407 -73.559918 45.5106825 -73.560107 45.5107690 -73.561020 45.5111831 -73.562201 45.5117162 -73.561791 45.5121754 -73.561301 45.5127589 -73.560891 45.5132399 -73.560461 45.5137280 -73.559203 45.5131374 -73.558286 45.5127327 -73.558135 45.5126656 -73.556978 45.5121384 -73.555791 45.5116075 -73.555236 45.5113537 -73.555154 45.5113164 -73.554958 45.5112281 -73.554423 45.5109868 -73.554575 45.5107483 -73.554933 45.5101245 -73.555051 45.50987444620059.00,-73.560461 45.5137280 -73.560891 45.5132399 -73.561301 45.5127589 -73.561791 45.5121754 -73.562201 45.5117162 -73.562695 45.5111446 -73.562827 45.5109936 -73.562990 45.5108069 -73.563407 45.5103388 -73.563822 45.5098706 -73.565329 45.5105872 -73.566769 45.5112637 -73.568094 45.5118793 -73.569435 45.5124994 -73.569213 45.5130349 -73.568986 45.5135390 -73.568794 45.5139485 -73.568511 45.5145651 -73.568275 45.5151412 -73.567949 45.5158207 -73.567671 45.5164411 -73.567461 45.5169098 -73.566946 45.5166748 -73.565882 45.5161961 -73.565241 45.5159078 -73.563391 45.5150708 -73.563310 45.5150357 -73.561911 45.5143906 -73.561476 45.5141867 -73.561335 45.5141218 -73.560870 45.5139080 -73.560461 45.5137280 45.5107208 -73.564073 45.5106655 -73.563651 45.5111439 -73.563603 45.5111845 -73.563138 45.5113827 -73.563018 45.5114548 -73.562622 45.5119117 -73.562697 45.5119466 -73.562757 45.5119755 -73.562856 45.5120220 -73.562602 45.5125451 -73.562067 45.5131095 -73.562754 45.5134403 -73.563390 45.5137225 -73.564163 45.5140843 -73.565515 45.5146929 -73.565621 45.5147468 -73.566066 45.5134552 -73.566275 45.5127937 -73.566588 45.5118352 -73.564895 45.5110506 -73.564166 45.51072084620060.00,-73.563651 45.5111439 -73.564073 45.5106655 -73.564166 45.5107208 -73.564895 45.5110506 -73.566588 45.5118352 -73.566275 45.5127937 -73.566066 45.5134552 -73.565621 45.5147468 -73.565515 45.5146929 -73.564163 45.5140843 -73.563390 45.5137225 -73.562754 45.5134403 -73.562067 45.5131095 -73.562602 45.5125451 -73.562856 45.5120220 -73.562757 45.5119755 -73.562697 45.5119466 -73.562622 45.5119117 -73.563018 45.5114548 -73.563138 45.5113827 -73.563603 45.5111845 -73.563651 45.51114394620061.00,-73.566507 45.5068013 -73.566946 45.5062964 -73.568104 45.5068485 -73.568840 45.5071946 -73.569490 45.5074955 -73.570147 45.5078164 -73.570701 45.5080841 -73.570839 45.5081508 -73.571279 45.5083634 -73.570791 45.5093335 -73.570544 45.5099375 -73.570321 45.5104474 -73.570043 45.5111118 -73.569649 45.5119864 -73.569435 45.5124994 -73.568094 45.5118793 -73.566769 45.5112637 -73.565329 45.5105872 -73.563822 45.5098706 -73.564160 45.5094616 -73.564812 45.5087326 -73.566183 45.5071742 -73.566507 45.50680134620062.00,-73.562702 45.5042772 -73.561758 45.5038264 -73.561617 45.5038359 -73.561478 45.5037737 -73.561360 45.5037210 -73.561338 45.5037110 -73.561266 45.5036375 -73.561222 45.5036147 -73.560409 45.5031955 -73.560705 45.5028398 -73.560913 45.5025801 -73.561220 45.5022265 -73.561632 45.5017234 -73.561920 45.5013694 -73.562063 45.5012029 -73.562783 45.5003342 -73.562868 45.5002406 -73.563197 45.4998787 -73.563294 45.4997715 -73.563370 45.4996992 -73.563408 45.4996631 -73.563511 45.4995786 -73.563585 45.4995167 -73.563615 45.4994917 -73.563657 45.4994569 -73.565142 45.4982168 -73.565558 45.4978928 -73.566016 45.4975230 -73.566802 45.4968972 -73.566898 45.4969899 -73.567914 45.4974775 -73.568559 45.4978136 -73.568754 45.4979035 -73.569858 45.4984337 -73.570103 45.4986138 -73.570269 45.4986897 -73.570382 45.4987837 -73.570463 45.4988533 -73.571627 45.4994075 -73.572009 45.4995914 -73.572455 45.4997972 -73.572919 45.5000118 -73.573378 45.5002354 -73.573459 45.5002759 -73.574686 45.5008912 -73.575911 45.5014818 -73.576020 45.5015340 -73.576385 45.5017102 -73.576576 45.5018451 -73.575902 45.5025159 -73.575741 45.5026825 -73.575298 45.5031462 -73.574724 45.5036964 -73.574066 45.5043708 -73.573484 45.5049730 -73.572957 45.5055504 -73.572612 45.5061220 -73.572557 45.5062300 -73.572285 45.5066621 -73.572106 45.5069772 -73.571686 45.5076658 -73.571279 45.5083634 -73.570839 45.5081508 -73.570701 45.5080841 -73.570147 45.5078164 -73.569490 45.5074955 -73.568840 45.5071946 -73.568104 45.5068485 -73.566946 45.5062964 -73.566453 45.5060807 -73.564780 45.5052742 -73.564612 45.5051927 -73.564285 45.5050295 -73.563649 45.5047316 -73.562702 45.50427724620063.00,-73.571548 45.4931174 -73.572283 45.4925338 -73.572407 45.4925905 -73.572562 45.4926622 -73.572734 45.4927413 -73.572855 45.4927970 -73.572867 45.4928025 -73.573047 45.4928854 -73.573223 45.4929665 -73.574961 45.4937810 -73.575102 45.4938461 -73.575341 45.4938923 -73.575676 45.4940478 -73.575914 45.4941924 -73.577060 45.4946940 -73.577269 45.4947854 -73.577834 45.4950326 -73.577045 45.4958293 -73.576332 45.4965498 -73.575708 45.4971889 -73.575022 45.4978868 -73.574276 45.4986344 -73.573595 45.4993186 -73.572919 45.5000118 -73.572455 45.4997972 -73.572009 45.4995914 -73.571627 45.4994075 -73.570463 45.4988533 -73.570382 45.4987837 -73.570269 45.4986897 -73.570103 45.4986138 -73.569858 45.4984337 -73.568754 45.4979035 -73.568559 45.4978136 -73.567914 45.4974775 -73.566898 45.4969899 -73.566802 45.4968972 -73.566974 45.4968243 -73.567615 45.4963067 -73.567709 45.4961892 -73.568580 45.4955100 -73.569129 45.4950675 -73.570094 45.4942753 -73.570696 45.4938131 -73.570769 45.4937569 -73.571109 45.4934757 -73.571414 45.4932237 -73.571548 45.49311744620064.00,-73.577045 45.4958293 -73.577834 45.4950326 -73.578332 45.4952435 -73.579250 45.4956613 -73.579618 45.4958273 -73.579637 45.4958347 -73.580274 45.4960851 -73.581729 45.4965638 -73.581119 45.4972130 -73.580724 45.4976048 -73.580376 45.4979639 -73.580014 45.4983275 -73.579541 45.4988068 -73.579386 45.4989676 -73.578719 45.4996707 -73.577978 45.5004314 -73.577280 45.5011202 -73.576576 45.5018451 -73.576385 45.5017102 -73.576020 45.5015340 -73.575911 45.5014818 -73.574686 45.5008912 -73.573459 45.5002759 -73.573378 45.5002354 -73.572919 45.5000118 -73.573595 45.4993186 -73.574276 45.4986344 -73.575022 45.4978868 -73.575708 45.4971889 -73.576332 45.4965498 -73.577045 45.49582934620051.00,-73.559820 45.5144879 -73.560461 45.5137280 -73.560870 45.5139080 -73.561335 45.5141218 -73.561476 45.5141867 -73.561911 45.5143906 -73.563310 45.5150357 -73.563391 45.5150708 -73.565241 45.5159078 -73.565882 45.5161961 -73.566946 45.5166748 -73.567461 45.5169098 -73.567032 45.5178553 -73.566986 45.5179573 -73.566946 45.5180478 -73.566891 45.5181699 -73.566544 45.5189500 -73.566158 45.5198441 -73.566088 45.5199926 -73.565719 45.5207802 -73.565590 45.5210637 -73.565561 45.5213652 -73.564038 45.5206716 -73.562953 45.5201609 -73.563257 45.5196388 -73.563411 45.5193913 -73.563684 45.5189007 -73.563978 45.5184056 -73.564290 45.5178970 -73.562320 45.5169922 -73.561036 45.5164091 -73.560348 45.5161035 -73.558930 45.5154568 -73.559324 45.5150112 -73.559669 45.5146421 -73.559820 45.51448794620065.01,-73.580986 45.4923531 -73.581536 45.4918848 -73.581887 45.4920922 -73.582007 45.4921626 -73.582356 45.4923692 -73.582434 45.4924152 -73.582807 45.4926353 -73.583737 45.4931707 -73.584419 45.4935699 -73.583484 45.4946099 -73.582481 45.4957249 -73.581729 45.4965638 -73.580274 45.4960851 -73.579637 45.4958347 -73.579618 45.4958273 -73.579250 45.4956613 -73.578332 45.4952435 -73.577834 45.4950326 -73.578533 45.4944304 -73.579258 45.4938211 -73.580430 45.4928169 -73.580986 45.49235314620066.01,-73.575676 45.4940478 -73.575341 45.4938923 -73.575102 45.4938461 -73.574961 45.4937810 -73.573223 45.4929665 -73.573047 45.4928854 -73.572867 45.4928025 -73.572855 45.4927970 -73.572734 45.4927413 -73.572562 45.4926622 -73.572677 45.4925832 -73.572890 45.4924294 -73.573131 45.4922458 -73.574123 45.4914792 -73.574147 45.4914602 -73.574763 45.4909513 -73.575117 45.4906761 -73.575361 45.4904853 -73.575460 45.4904076 -73.577067 45.4891474 -73.577175 45.4890625 -73.577289 45.4891868 -73.577356 45.4892587 -73.577414 45.4893217 -73.577601 45.4895244 -73.577685 45.4896153 -73.578075 45.4898974 -73.578493 45.4901829 -73.578637 45.4902816 -73.578924 45.4904784 -73.579401 45.4907534 -73.579775 45.4909295 -73.579966 45.4909773 -73.580553 45.4913256 -73.581536 45.4918848 -73.580986 45.4923531 -73.580430 45.4928169 -73.579258 45.4938211 -73.578533 45.4944304 -73.577834 45.4950326 -73.577269 45.4947854 -73.577060 45.4946940 -73.575914 45.4941924 -73.575676 45.4940478


  • 4 years old and less [C]
  • % Lone-Family [C]
  • 14 years old and less [C]
  • 65 years old and more [C]
  • 85 years old and more [C]
  • Median Age [C]
  • Average Age [C]
  • Population density per Km2 [C]
  • Divorced [C]
  • Number of household with one person [C]
  • Average number of children at home per census family [C]
  • Common Law [C]
  • Married people [C]
  • Persons per family [C]
  • Religion Boudiste [C]
  • Religion chrétienne [C]
  • Religion Hindouisme [C]
  • Religion juive [C]
  • Religion musulmane [C]
  • Religion Sans affiliation [C]
  • Overcrowding [C]
  • Population Variation [C]
  • Transport

  • Automobilist [C]
  • Cyclist [C]
  • Late waker [C]
  • Early Birds [C]
  • Walkers [C]
  • Passengers [C]
  • Average Transit Time [C]
  • Duration of commute: 15 min [C]
  • Duration of commute: 1H + [C]
  • Active Transportation [C]
  • Sustainable Transportation [C]
  • Travailleur - après midi et soir [C]
  • Transit Users [C]
  • Economy

  • Prevalence of low income after tax [C]
  • Middle Class [C]
  • In the bottom decile - poorest [C]
  • In the second decile - Income [C]
  • In the third decile - Income [C]
  • In the 4th decile - Income [C]
  • In the 5th decile - Income [C]
  • In the 6th decile - Income [C]
  • In the 7th decile - Income [C]
  • In the 8th top decile - Richest [C]
  • In the 9th top decile - Richest [C]
  • In the top decile - Richest [C]
  • Domestic business potential [C]
  • Diff with Average and Median [C]
  • Household maintainers under 25 [C]
  • Paid Tax [C]
  • Prosperity index [C]
  • Tenents spending more then 30% on rent [C]
  • Individual earning of 125 000$ and more [C]
  • Individual earning of 150 000$ and more [C]
  • Owners spending more then 30% on shelter costs" [C]
  • Live at the same place for more then 5 years [C]
  • Median Income [C]
  • Average Income [C]
  • Average Income of Households [C]
  • Education

  • Bachelor [C]
  • Postgratuated [C]
  • Population with PHD [C]
  • Études effectués hors Canada [C]
  • Mathematics, computer and information sciences [C]
  • Studied in social and behavioural sciences or law [C]
  • Population with university diploma [C]
  • Without diploma [C]
  • Highschool - highest diploma [C]
  • Housing / Real estate

  • Year of income to pay residence [C]
  • Appartement dans un duplex [C]
  • Apartments buildings 5 or more storeys [C]
  • Cost per room [C]
  • Coup par pièce (location - par mois) [C]
  • Difference Cost mortgage - Rent [C]
  • Part of a condominium development [C]
  • Private dwellings per KM2 [C]
  • House built in last 5 years [C]
  • House major repairs needed  (%) [C]
  • Subsidized Housing [C]
  • Maison détachée [C]
  • Row House [C]
  • Semi-detached house [C]
  • Median Multiple [C]
  • Start building [C]
  • Mise en chantier en proportion des ménages [C]
  • Mois loyer pour payer valeur des maisons [C]
  • Counts of private dwellings [C]
  • Average number of rooms per dwelling [C]
  • % of rent [C]
  • Prix mensuel des maisons (propriétaire) [C]
  • Average monthly shelter costs for rented dwellings [C]
  • Owner households with a mortgage, [C]
  • Dwelling built before 1960 [C]
  • Dwelling built between 1961 and 1980 [C]
  • Dwelling built between 1981 and 1990 [C]
  • Residential occupancy rate [C]
  • Median Residence Value [C]
  • Residence Average Value [C]
  • Valeur résidence - Diff moyenne et médiane [C]
  • Residential value Km2 [C]
  • Crime

  • Crime - Mischief [C]
  • Crime - Introduction/ Robery [C]
  • Incendie - interventions du SIM [C]
  • Intervention - alarme de compagnie privée [C]
  • Introduction by private dwellings [C]
  • Mischief per km2 [C]
  • Number of crimes [C]
  • Dangerous structure [C]
  • Vol dans-sur un véhicule [C]
  • Vol de voiture [C]
  • Vol de voiture par km2 [C]
  • Car stolen per km2 [C]
  • Robbery [C]
  • Robbery per Km2 [C]
  • Language

  • Allophone [C]
  • English as Work Language [C]
  • English as Mother Tongue [C]
  • Bilingual (English / French) [C]
  • French as Mother Tongue [C]
  • French / English as Work Language [C]
  • French spoken at home (one lang only) [C]
  • French as Work Language [C]
  • Arabic speaker [C]
  • Locuteur espagnol [C]
  • Locuteur Tagalog [C]
  • Locuteur Yiddish [C]
  • Social

  • Gentrification factor [C]
  • Work

  • Artist [C]
  • Participation rate [C]
  • Inactive population [C]
  • Unemployement Rate [C]
  • Work from Home [C]
  • Work in the same city [C]
  • Work in another census division [C]
  • Work in another province [C]
  • Part Time Work [C]
  • Work outside Canada [C]
  • Self-employed worker [C]
  • Immigration

  • Migrants [C]
  • Immigrant - Last 5 years [C]
  • Migrants - more then 35 years ago [C]
  • Interprovincial Immigration [C]
  • Immigrant - intra provinciale - 5 ans [C]
  • Immigrant - intra provinciale - 5 ans [C]
  • Immigrant from Haiti [C]
  • Immigrant from India [C]
  • Immigrant from Italy [C]
  • Immigrant from China [C]
  • Immigrant from France [C]
  • Immigrant from Greece [C]
  • Immigrants from United States [C]
  • Immigrants from Philippines [C]
  • Immigrants from Lebano [C]
  • Immigrant from Mexico [C]
  • Immigrants from Pakistan [C]
  • Immigrant from Portugal [C]
  • Immigrant from Viet Nam [C]

  • Share


    Street by Street

    64 Cities

    143 indicators

    371 districts and neighborhood

    8 Census Metropolitan Areas

    159 139 maps