Domestic business potential per Km2 - Milton-Pac and McGill-Ghetto Neighborhoods - CMA of Montréal

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Data source:

Statistic Canada - National Household Survey (NHS) 2016

About this indicator

Revenue density is a way of calculating the money available in a sector, but according to the size of the geographic space.

The calculation

(average income * number of people with income) / area

What's the point?

This indicator is useful for local businesses: it allows them to know if there is a lot of money in a sector.

Everyone knows that residents of Westmount have a high income, but with this metric, we realize that there is a lot more money per square kilometer in highly populated areas like Plateau Mon-Royal.

- Milton-Pac and McGill-Ghetto Neighborhoods, note on geographic borders: because districts shapes are a based on Statistic Canada Census Tract, they may differ from officials limits.

* This position is relative to all census tract from Great Montréal Québec - Canada


  • 462013000
  • 462013100
  • 462013200
  • 4620130.00,-73.572957 45.5055504 -73.573484 45.5049730 -73.576442 45.5063997 -73.577476 45.5069002 -73.577823 45.5070729 -73.578577 45.5074477 -73.580117 45.5082062 -73.579821 45.5087779 -73.579725 45.5088370 -73.579458 45.5093132 -73.578837 45.5099706 -73.578723 45.5101002 -73.577736 45.5096335 -73.576850 45.5092153 -73.576108 45.5088670 -73.575040 45.5083657 -73.574724 45.5082172 -73.573725 45.5077440 -73.572831 45.5073207 -73.572638 45.5072290 -73.572106 45.5069772 -73.572285 45.5066621 -73.572557 45.5062300 -73.572612 45.5061220 -73.572957 45.50555044620131.00,-73.571686 45.5076658 -73.572106 45.5069772 -73.572638 45.5072290 -73.572831 45.5073207 -73.573725 45.5077440 -73.574724 45.5082172 -73.575040 45.5083657 -73.576108 45.5088670 -73.576850 45.5092153 -73.577736 45.5096335 -73.578723 45.5101002 -73.578688 45.5101682 -73.578640 45.5102637 -73.578518 45.5103296 -73.578454 45.5103834 -73.578377 45.5104867 -73.578317 45.5105820 -73.578242 45.5107353 -73.578582 45.5109674 -73.578744 45.5110778 -73.578491 45.5112484 -73.578181 45.5115745 -73.578082 45.5116901 -73.577668 45.5114888 -73.577151 45.5111818 -73.576885 45.5109823 -73.576561 45.5108360 -73.575695 45.5104274 -73.573676 45.5094912 -73.571279 45.5083634 -73.571686 45.50766584620132.00,-73.570791 45.5093335 -73.571279 45.5083634 -73.573676 45.5094912 -73.575695 45.5104274 -73.576561 45.5108360 -73.576885 45.5109823 -73.577151 45.5111818 -73.577668 45.5114888 -73.578082 45.5116901 -73.577519 45.5123017 -73.576998 45.5128680 -73.576649 45.5132461 -73.576144 45.5138089 -73.575947 45.5140574 -73.575767 45.5142837 -73.575504 45.5145786 -73.575296 45.5148244 -73.575111 45.5150423 -73.574572 45.5147949 -73.574255 45.5146560 -73.572612 45.5139102 -73.572524 45.5138697 -73.570493 45.5129767 -73.569435 45.5124994 -73.569649 45.5119864 -73.570043 45.5111118 -73.570321 45.5104474 -73.570544 45.5099375 -73.570791 45.5093335





    Housing / Real estate

  • Year of income to pay residence
  • Appartement dans un duplex
  • Apartments buildings 5 or more storeys
  • Cost per room
  • Coup par pièce (location - par mois)
  • Difference Cost mortgage - Rent
  • Part of a condominium development
  • Private dwellings per KM2
  • House built in last 5 years
  • House major repairs needed  (%)
  • Subsidized Housing
  • Maison détachée
  • Row House
  • Semi-detached house
  • Median Multiple
  • Start building
  • Mise en chantier en proportion des ménages
  • Mois loyer pour payer valeur des maisons
  • Counts of private dwellings
  • Average number of rooms per dwelling
  • % of rent
  • Prix mensuel des maisons (propriétaire)
  • Average monthly shelter costs for rented dwellings
  • Owner households with a mortgage,
  • Dwelling built before 1960
  • Dwelling built between 1961 and 1980
  • Dwelling built between 1981 and 1990
  • Residential occupancy rate
  • Median Residence Value
  • Residence Average Value
  • Valeur résidence - Diff moyenne et médiane
  • Residential value Km2
  • Crime







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