Percentage of people going to work by walk - Long Branch Neighborhood | 2011 and 2016 - CMA of Toronto

Toronto   CMA
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Data source:

Statistic Canada - National Household Survey (NHS) 2016

About this indicator

Percentage of workers over 15 going to work by walk

- Long Branch Neighborhood, note on geographic borders: because districts shapes are a based on Statistic Canada Census Tract, they may differ from officials limits.

* This position is relative to all census tract from Great Toronto Qué - Canada

** This percentage is a relative variation - Exemple: from 5% to 10% would give 100%


  • 535020601
  • 535020602
  • 5350206.01,-79.531420 43.5884306 -79.522959 43.5603428 -79.540522 43.5780895 -79.543351 43.5809515 -79.543504 43.5810740 -79.543824 43.5813571 -79.543866 43.5813943 -79.544461 43.5854457 -79.547848 43.5873083 -79.546672 43.5886057 -79.546671 43.5886069 -79.546493 43.5888117 -79.546471 43.5888342 -79.546510 43.5888966 -79.546803 43.5892710 -79.547952 43.5898983 -79.548593 43.5901983 -79.548728 43.5902193 -79.548487 43.5903549 -79.548374 43.5904190 -79.548322 43.5904480 -79.548184 43.5905259 -79.544740 43.5922660 -79.544682 43.5922956 -79.544542 43.5923663 -79.544343 43.5924666 -79.541901 43.5937005 -79.541703 43.5938007 -79.541580 43.5938618 -79.541381 43.5939608 -79.532638 43.5982938 -79.532378 43.5982026 -79.532037 43.5974690 -79.530981 43.5950513 -79.532388 43.5947272 -79.534008 43.5943519 -79.533770 43.5938483 -79.533537 43.5933553 -79.533114 43.5924224 -79.532679 43.5914175 -79.532305 43.5905033 -79.531964 43.5897606 -79.531559 43.5888415 -79.531559 43.5888395 -79.531579 43.5887940 -79.531468 43.5885657 -79.531461 43.5885514 -79.531420 43.58843065350206.02,-79.523840 43.6003257 -79.523501 43.5994839 -79.523175 43.5986514 -79.522836 43.5978186 -79.522485 43.5969497 -79.521713 43.5971204 -79.521333 43.5962282 -79.521298 43.5961105 -79.520680 43.5945863 -79.520334 43.5937524 -79.519982 43.5929105 -79.519643 43.5921048 -79.519232 43.5911810 -79.519126 43.5909725 -79.518963 43.5906838 -79.518963 43.5906835 -79.518962 43.5906832 -79.518953 43.5906426 -79.508091 43.5752577 -79.519288 43.5633138 -79.522959 43.5603428 -79.531420 43.5884306 -79.531461 43.5885514 -79.531468 43.5885657 -79.531579 43.5887940 -79.531559 43.5888395 -79.531559 43.5888415 -79.531964 43.5897606 -79.532305 43.5905033 -79.532679 43.5914175 -79.533114 43.5924224 -79.533537 43.5933553 -79.533770 43.5938483 -79.534008 43.5943519 -79.532388 43.5947272 -79.530981 43.5950513 -79.532037 43.5974690 -79.532378 43.5982026 -79.532638 43.5982938 -79.532239 43.5984916 -79.531482 43.5988664 -79.531326 43.5989402 -79.531358 43.5990111 -79.531165 43.5991054 -79.529386 43.5999651 -79.528118 43.6005786 -79.527534 43.6008672 -79.527407 43.6009299 -79.527206 43.6010283 -79.526394 43.6014250 -79.526458 43.6011698 -79.526223 43.6006626 -79.524197 43.6011341 -79.523840 43.6003257


  • 4 years old and less
  • % Lone-Family
  • 14 years old and less
  • 65 years old and more
  • 85 years old and more
  • Median Age
  • Average Age
  • Population density per Km2
  • Divorced
  • Number of household with one person
  • Average number of children at home per census family
  • Common Law
  • Married people
  • Persons per family
  • Religion chrétienne
  • Religion juive
  • Religion musulmane
  • Religion Sans affiliation
  • Overcrowding
  • Population Variation
  • Transport

  • Automobilist
  • Cyclist
  • Late waker
  • Early Birds
  • Walkers
  • Passengers
  • Average Transit Time
  • Duration of commute: 15 min
  • Duration of commute: 1H +
  • Active Transportation
  • Sustainable Transportation
  • Travailleur - après midi et soir
  • Transit Users
  • Economy

  • Prevalence of low income after tax
  • In the bottom decile - poorest
  • In the second decile - Income
  • In the third decile - Income
  • In the 4th decile - Income
  • In the 5th decile - Income
  • In the 7th decile - Income
  • In the 8th top decile - Richest
  • In the 9th top decile - Richest
  • In the top decile - Richest
  • Domestic business potential
  • Diff with Average and Median
  • Household maintainers under 25
  • Paid Tax
  • Prosperity index
  • Tenents spending more then 30% on rent
  • Individual earning of 125 000$ and more
  • Individual earning of 150 000$ and more
  • Owners spending more then 30% on shelter costs"
  • Live at the same place for more then 5 years
  • Median Income
  • Average Income
  • Average Income of Households
  • Education

  • Bachelor
  • Postgratuated
  • Population with PHD
  • Études effectués hors Canada
  • Mathematics, computer and information sciences
  • Studied in social and behavioural sciences or law
  • Population with university diploma
  • Without diploma
  • Highschool - highest diploma
  • Housing / Real estate

  • Year of income to pay residence
  • Appartement dans un duplex
  • Apartments buildings 5 or more storeys
  • Cost per room
  • Coup par pièce (location - par mois)
  • Difference Cost mortgage - Rent
  • Part of a condominium development
  • Private dwellings per KM2
  • House built in last 5 years
  • House major repairs needed  (%)
  • Subsidized Housing
  • Maison détachée
  • Row House
  • Semi-detached house
  • Median Multiple
  • Mois loyer pour payer valeur des maisons
  • Counts of private dwellings
  • Average number of rooms per dwelling
  • % of rent
  • Prix mensuel des maisons (propriétaire)
  • Average monthly shelter costs for rented dwellings
  • Owner households with a mortgage,
  • Dwelling built before 1960
  • Dwelling built between 1961 and 1980
  • Dwelling built between 1981 and 1990
  • Residential occupancy rate
  • Median Residence Value
  • Residence Average Value
  • Valeur résidence - Diff moyenne et médiane
  • Residential value Km2
  • Language

  • Allophone
  • English as Work Language
  • English as Mother Tongue
  • Bilingual (English / French)
  • French as Mother Tongue
  • French / English as Work Language
  • French spoken at home (one lang only)
  • French as Work Language
  • Arabic speaker
  • Locuteur espagnol
  • Locuteur Tagalog
  • Locuteur Yiddish
  • Social

  • Gentrification factor
  • Work

  • Artist
  • Participation rate
  • Inactive population
  • Unemployement Rate
  • Work from Home
  • Work in the same city
  • Work in another census division
  • Work in another province
  • Part Time Work
  • Work outside Canada
  • Self-employed worker
  • Immigration

  • Migrants
  • Immigrant - Last 5 years
  • Migrants - more then 35 years ago
  • Interprovincial Immigration
  • Immigrant - intra provinciale - 5 ans
  • Immigrant - intra provinciale - 5 ans
  • Immigrant from Haiti
  • Immigrant from India
  • Immigrant from Italy
  • Immigrant from China
  • Immigrant from France
  • Immigrant from Greece
  • Immigrants from United States
  • Immigrants from Philippines
  • Immigrants from Lebano
  • Immigrant from Mexico
  • Immigrants from Pakistan
  • Immigrant from Portugal
  • Immigrant from Viet Nam

  • Share


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