House major repairs needed  (%) - Mimico & Humber Bay Shores Neighborhood - CMA of Toronto

Toronto   CMA
Min:    -  Max: 

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Data source:

Statistic Canada - National Household Survey (NHS) 2016

About this indicator

This category includes dwellings needing major repairs such as dwellings with defective plumbing or electrical wiring and dwellings needing structural repairs to walls, floors or ceilings.

- Mimico & Humber Bay Shores Neighborhood, note on geographic borders: because districts shapes are a based on Statistic Canada Census Tract, they may differ from officials limits.

* This position is relative to all census tract from Great Toronto Qué - Canada

5350201.00,-79.485812 43.6231755 -79.485643 43.6230112 -79.485580 43.6230374 -79.485198 43.6229513 -79.484917 43.6228215 -79.484632 43.6228087 -79.484005 43.6226113 -79.483636 43.6224714 -79.483130 43.6223836 -79.482604 43.6221245 -79.482131 43.6221251 -79.481984 43.6221253 -79.481859 43.6221094 -79.481961 43.6219769 -79.482008 43.6219176 -79.482018 43.6219050 -79.482216 43.6215630 -79.482467 43.6211984 -79.482563 43.6210858 -79.482738 43.6209194 -79.482924 43.6207513 -79.483063 43.6206271 -79.483177 43.6205565 -79.483227 43.6205212 -79.483256 43.6205054 -79.483416 43.6204156 -79.483451 43.6204020 -79.483647 43.6203277 -79.483828 43.6202590 -79.483865 43.6202529 -79.483878 43.6202506 -79.483928 43.6202334 -79.483991 43.6202161 -79.484093 43.6201948 -79.484153 43.6201823 -79.484253 43.6201566 -79.485263 43.6199089 -79.485268 43.6199074 -79.485412 43.6198659 -79.485538 43.6198134 -79.485663 43.6197700 -79.485764 43.6196995 -79.485865 43.6196288 -79.485953 43.6195668 -79.486014 43.6195101 -79.486029 43.6194959 -79.486031 43.6194941 -79.486093 43.6194247 -79.486163 43.6193472 -79.486182 43.6193267 -79.486220 43.6192732 -79.486459 43.6189215 -79.486907 43.6180939 -79.487337 43.6172711 -79.487540 43.6169167 -79.488218 43.6157341 -79.488659 43.6149476 -79.489153 43.6140358 -79.489308 43.6137767 -79.489452 43.6134455 -79.489619 43.6132135 -79.489699 43.6129986 -79.489780 43.6127205 -79.489869 43.6121363 -79.489883 43.6121006 -79.490018 43.6111479 -79.490048 43.6109413 -79.490122 43.6104649 -79.490266 43.6096655 -79.490711 43.6106889 -79.490946 43.6112141 -79.491554 43.6126539 -79.491752 43.6131606 -79.491861 43.6132791 -79.492135 43.6132198 -79.492771 43.6130571 -79.492983 43.6130059 -79.493356 43.6129298 -79.494154 43.6127691 -79.495075 43.6125922 -79.495449 43.6125160 -79.496745 43.6122271 -79.497120 43.6130874 -79.497622 43.6143185 -79.497902 43.6150245 -79.498094 43.6156052 -79.498101 43.6156279 -79.498126 43.6157030 -79.497995 43.6157818 -79.496293 43.6168759 -79.496173 43.6169631 -79.496091 43.6170229 -79.496001 43.6170877 -79.495009 43.6178139 -79.494338 43.6183025 -79.494163 43.6184299 -79.493997 43.6185511 -79.493648 43.6188051 -79.493306 43.6190538 -79.493151 43.6191666 -79.492640 43.6195588 -79.492452 43.6197035 -79.492286 43.6198310 -79.492119 43.6199587 -79.490646 43.6210891 -79.490552 43.6211612 -79.490484 43.6212139 -79.490314 43.6213442 -79.489033 43.6223271 -79.487930 43.6231672 -79.487676 43.6233629 -79.487072 43.6238284 -79.486987 43.6238936 -79.486905 43.6239558 -79.486709 43.6238534 -79.486603 43.6237983 -79.486140 43.6234680 -79.485920 43.6233390 -79.485812 43.62317555350202.00,-79.492979 43.6037226 -79.493155 43.6036440 -79.493401 43.6042144 -79.493493 43.6044857 -79.493751 43.6050564 -79.493902 43.6054547 -79.494066 43.6058710 -79.494429 43.6067132 -79.494464 43.6068037 -79.494779 43.6075550 -79.495106 43.6083698 -79.495432 43.6092024 -79.495808 43.6100357 -79.495879 43.6101807 -79.496147 43.6108416 -79.496533 43.6117560 -79.496745 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43.6016064 -79.497070 43.6017760 -79.497195 43.6021124 -79.497262 43.6024014 -79.497945 43.6023564 -79.498198 43.6029292 -79.498285 43.6031262 -79.498379 43.6033435 -79.498623 43.6039771 -79.498998 43.6048463 -79.499300 43.6056426 -79.499664 43.6064758 -79.500002 43.6072996 -79.500353 43.6081326 -79.500398 43.6083041 -79.500691 43.6089744 -79.501043 43.6097983 -79.501417 43.6106855 -79.501557 43.6110385 -79.501591 43.6111740 -79.501602 43.6112373 -79.501601 43.6112822 -79.501599 43.6113632 -79.501598 43.6113659 -79.501722 43.6115794 -79.501740 43.6116145 -79.501931 43.6119845 -79.502093 43.6122864 -79.502117 43.6123302 -79.502145 43.6123819 -79.502179 43.6124462 -79.502222 43.6125260 -79.502270 43.6126153 -79.502293 43.6126591 -79.502335 43.6127364 -79.502383 43.6128264 -79.502424 43.6129021 -79.502477 43.6130017 -79.502508 43.6130601 -79.502590 43.6132115 -79.502189 43.6134085 -79.500751 43.6141165 -79.500009 43.6145572 -79.500002 43.6145622 -79.498613 43.6154124 -79.498425 43.6155242 -79.498246 43.6156314 -79.498180 43.6156706 -79.498126 43.6157030 -79.498101 43.6156279 -79.498094 43.6156052 -79.497902 43.6150245 -79.497622 43.6143185 -79.497120 43.6130874 -79.496745 43.6122271 -79.496533 43.6117560 -79.496147 43.6108416 -79.495879 43.6101807 -79.495808 43.6100357 -79.495432 43.6092024 -79.495106 43.6083698 -79.494779 43.6075550 -79.494464 43.6068037 -79.494429 43.6067132 -79.494066 43.6058710 -79.493902 43.6054547 -79.493751 43.6050564 -79.493493 43.6044857 -79.493401 43.6042144 -79.493155 43.6036440 -79.492909 43.6030644 -79.492767 43.60279245350209.00,-79.487072 43.6238284 -79.487676 43.6233629 -79.487930 43.6231672 -79.489033 43.6223271 -79.490314 43.6213442 -79.490484 43.6212139 -79.490552 43.6211612 -79.490646 43.6210891 -79.492119 43.6199587 -79.492286 43.6198310 -79.492452 43.6197035 -79.492640 43.6195588 -79.493151 43.6191666 -79.493306 43.6190538 -79.493648 43.6188051 -79.493997 43.6185511 -79.494163 43.6184299 -79.494338 43.6183025 -79.495009 43.6178139 -79.496001 43.6170877 -79.496091 43.6170229 -79.496173 43.6169631 -79.496293 43.6168759 -79.497995 43.6157818 -79.498126 43.6157030 -79.498180 43.6156706 -79.498246 43.6156314 -79.498425 43.6155242 -79.498613 43.6154124 -79.500002 43.6145622 -79.500009 43.6145572 -79.500751 43.6141165 -79.502189 43.6134085 -79.502590 43.6132115 -79.502662 43.6134603 -79.502672 43.6135036 -79.502703 43.6136378 -79.502718 43.6137023 -79.502728 43.6137429 -79.502742 43.6138040 -79.502744 43.6138147 -79.502777 43.6138836 -79.502830 43.6139969 -79.502985 43.6144248 -79.503113 43.6147686 -79.503123 43.6148407 -79.504140 43.6173032 -79.505249 43.6170656 -79.505525 43.6179336 -79.505550 43.6179249 -79.505999 43.6178316 -79.506409 43.6187825 -79.506748 43.6196062 -79.505826 43.6198103 -79.504904 43.6200053 -79.503733 43.6202511 -79.502649 43.6204800 -79.501527 43.6207445 -79.500954 43.6208765 -79.500380 43.6210086 -79.500275 43.6207280 -79.500238 43.6207365 -79.500002 43.6207875 -79.497197 43.6214170 -79.494804 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43.6138836 -79.502744 43.6138147 -79.502742 43.6138040 -79.502728 43.6137429 -79.502718 43.6137023 -79.502703 43.6136378 -79.502672 43.6135036 -79.502662 43.6134603 -79.502590 43.6132115 -79.507314 43.6108861 -79.507467 43.6108107 -79.507627 43.6107319 -79.507715 43.6106890 -79.514803 43.6071991 -79.515113 43.6070464 -79.515203 43.6070017 -79.519292 43.6049669 -79.519483 43.6048624 -79.519497 43.6048486 -79.519633 43.6047309 -79.519751 43.6046819 -79.519929 43.6046135 -79.520262 43.6044812 -79.520396 43.6044145 -79.520455 43.6043787 -79.525398 43.6019122 -79.525993 43.6016211 -79.526104 43.6015669 -79.526394 43.6014250 -79.527206 43.6010283 -79.527407 43.6009299 -79.527229 43.6010468 -79.526423 43.6015773 -79.526320 43.6016449 -79.526284 43.6016845 -79.526272 43.6016970 -79.526181 43.6017962 -79.525677 43.6023398 -79.525287 43.6029372 -79.525132 43.6033051 -79.525062 43.6035648 -79.525010 43.6040772 -79.525010 43.6045541 -79.525090 43.6050333 -79.525460 43.6060202 -79.525473 43.6060556 -79.525511 43.6061293 -79.525625 43.6063498 -79.525683 43.6064628 -79.526221 43.6077305 -79.526987 43.6095237 -79.527363 43.6104107 -79.528345 43.6127284 -79.528382 43.6128193 -79.528415 43.6128962 -79.528438 43.6129495 -79.528511 43.6131180 -79.529164 43.6146658 -79.529302 43.6149872 -79.529344 43.6150855 -79.529446 43.6153227 -79.530135 43.6169327 -79.530154 43.6169772 -79.530227 43.6171475 -79.530020 43.6171887 -79.529622 43.6172670 -79.528302 43.6175267 -79.525899 43.6179731 -79.525762 43.6179983 -79.525625 43.6180235 -79.525623 43.6180241 -79.522982 43.6185430 -79.522707 43.6185970 -79.522419 43.6186536 -79.522153 43.6187059 -79.522014 43.6187333 -79.521638 43.6188088 -79.520457 43.6190462 -79.517790 43.6195590 -79.517485 43.6196177 -79.516771 43.6197550 -79.516684 43.6197716 -79.515663 43.6199820 -79.515039 43.6201104 -79.513233 43.6204652 -79.513159 43.6204821 -79.513109 43.6204906 -79.513034 43.6205076 -79.512812 43.6205505 -79.510631 43.6209715 -79.510264 43.6210449 -79.509334 43.6212309 -79.508476 43.6214025 -79.505063 43.6220874 -79.502272 43.6226721 -79.501213 43.6229012 -79.501076 43.6229265 -79.501014 43.6229347 -79.500976 43.6229432 -79.500004 43.6231736 -79.498080 43.6236347 -79.494518 43.6244881 -79.493176 43.6248000 -79.493137 43.6246951 -79.493090 43.6245954 -79.492972 43.6243596 -79.492925 43.6242420 -79.492843 43.6240698 -79.492526 43.6233543 -79.492340 43.6228566 -79.492199 43.6225307 -79.494804 43.6219618 -79.497197 43.62141705350200.01,-79.467364 43.6197490 -79.468162 43.6188011 -79.468655 43.6182162 -79.469903 43.6167329 -79.470364 43.6161856 -79.472851 43.6132308 -79.475521 43.6100573 -79.476915 43.6084016 -79.482855 43.6095986 -79.483476 43.6097237 -79.484793 43.6100204 -79.486713 43.6103878 -79.486720 43.6103878 -79.487609 43.6103417 -79.490122 43.6104649 -79.490048 43.6109413 -79.490018 43.6111479 -79.489883 43.6121006 -79.489869 43.6121363 -79.489780 43.6127205 -79.489699 43.6129986 -79.489619 43.6132135 -79.489452 43.6134455 -79.489308 43.6137767 -79.489153 43.6140358 -79.488659 43.6149476 -79.488218 43.6157341 -79.487540 43.6169167 -79.487337 43.6172711 -79.486907 43.6180939 -79.486459 43.6189215 -79.486220 43.6192732 -79.486182 43.6193267 -79.486163 43.6193472 -79.486093 43.6194247 -79.486031 43.6194941 -79.486029 43.6194959 -79.486014 43.6195101 -79.485953 43.6195668 -79.485865 43.6196288 -79.485764 43.6196995 -79.485663 43.6197700 -79.485538 43.6198134 -79.485412 43.6198659 -79.485268 43.6199074 -79.485263 43.6199089 -79.484253 43.6201566 -79.484153 43.6201823 -79.484093 43.6201948 -79.483991 43.6202161 -79.483928 43.6202334 -79.483878 43.6202506 -79.483865 43.6202529 -79.483828 43.6202590 -79.483647 43.6203277 -79.483451 43.6204020 -79.483416 43.6204156 -79.483256 43.6205054 -79.483227 43.6205212 -79.483177 43.6205565 -79.483063 43.6206271 -79.482924 43.6207513 -79.482738 43.6209194 -79.482563 43.6210858 -79.482467 43.6211984 -79.482216 43.6215630 -79.482018 43.6219050 -79.482008 43.6219176 -79.481961 43.6219769 -79.481859 43.6221094 -79.481654 43.6220835 -79.481428 43.6220549 -79.481256 43.6220076 -79.480725 43.6219375 -79.480073 43.6217397 -79.479776 43.6216998 -79.479602 43.6217515 -79.479169 43.6216917 -79.478862 43.6215976 -79.478578 43.6215578 -79.478341 43.6215907 -79.478216 43.6216340 -79.477596 43.6216438 -79.477535 43.6216249 -79.477402 43.6215061 -79.477044 43.6209963 -79.476608 43.6211026 -79.475272 43.6209795 -79.474447 43.6208990 -79.466973 43.6202144 -79.467317 43.6198047 -79.467364 43.61974905350210.02,-79.470103 43.6316822 -79.470092 43.6316784 -79.469503 43.6316540 -79.469676 43.6315327 -79.469677 43.6315326 -79.465733 43.6262949 -79.464942 43.6252432 -79.464931 43.6252287 -79.463759 43.6236712 -79.466973 43.6202144 -79.474447 43.6208990 -79.475272 43.6209795 -79.476608 43.6211026 -79.477044 43.6209963 -79.477402 43.6215061 -79.477535 43.6216249 -79.477596 43.6216438 -79.478216 43.6216340 -79.478341 43.6215907 -79.478578 43.6215578 -79.478862 43.6215976 -79.479169 43.6216917 -79.479602 43.6217515 -79.479776 43.6216998 -79.480073 43.6217397 -79.480725 43.6219375 -79.481256 43.6220076 -79.481428 43.6220549 -79.481654 43.6220835 -79.481859 43.6221094 -79.481984 43.6221253 -79.482131 43.6221251 -79.482604 43.6221245 -79.483130 43.6223836 -79.483636 43.6224714 -79.484005 43.6226113 -79.484632 43.6228087 -79.484917 43.6228215 -79.485198 43.6229513 -79.485580 43.6230374 -79.485643 43.6230112 -79.485812 43.6231755 -79.485920 43.6233390 -79.486140 43.6234680 -79.486603 43.6237983 -79.486709 43.6238534 -79.486905 43.6239558 -79.487100 43.6240573 -79.487153 43.6240847 -79.487099 43.6242550 -79.486998 43.6243527 -79.486760 43.6245001 -79.486708 43.6245323 -79.487395 43.6242930 -79.488127 43.6240850 -79.488536 43.6239685 -79.488810 43.6238907 -79.488837 43.6241805 -79.489297 43.6240437 -79.489950 43.6239101 -79.490183 43.6238626 -79.490195 43.6238602 -79.491169 43.6236613 -79.492526 43.6233543 -79.492843 43.6240698 -79.492925 43.6242420 -79.492972 43.6243596 -79.493090 43.6245954 -79.493137 43.6246951 -79.493176 43.6248000 -79.489952 43.6255899 -79.489723 43.6256461 -79.489150 43.6257863 -79.488695 43.6258978 -79.488414 43.6259656 -79.486882 43.6263356 -79.486843 43.6263452 -79.486813 43.6263522 -79.486763 43.6263657 -79.486632 43.6263975 -79.486417 43.6264495 -79.482999 43.6272766 -79.482562 43.6273823 -79.482493 43.6274048 -79.482424 43.6274229 -79.482355 43.6274453 -79.482287 43.6274679 -79.482255 43.6274783 -79.478369 43.6304334 -79.476723 43.6316804 -79.474666 43.6331931 -79.474449 43.6333238 -79.474285 43.6334220 -79.474231 43.6333863 -79.474072 43.6333022 -79.473944 43.6332347 -79.473872 43.6331965 -79.473775 43.6331450 -79.473642 43.6330787 -79.473636 43.6330759 -79.473466 43.6329924 -79.473266 43.6328945 -79.472534 43.6325350 -79.470103 43.63168225350200.02,-79.492714 43.6025991 -79.492715 43.6025989 -79.492767 43.6027924 -79.492909 43.6030644 -79.493155 43.6036440 -79.492979 43.6037226 -79.492778 43.6038280 -79.492564 43.6039784 -79.492325 43.6041012 -79.492098 43.6042784 -79.491845 43.6045000 -79.491616 43.6047132 -79.491437 43.6049359 -79.491296 43.6051412 -79.491141 43.6053911 -79.490998 43.6056684 -79.490842 43.6059634 -79.490723 43.6062321 -79.490618 43.6064917 -79.490549 43.6067430 -79.490519 43.6069676 -79.490374 43.6082984 -79.490331 43.6085589 -79.490266 43.6096655 -79.490122 43.6104649 -79.487609 43.6103417 -79.486720 43.6103878 -79.486713 43.6103878 -79.484793 43.6100204 -79.483476 43.6097237 -79.482855 43.6095986 -79.476915 43.6084016 -79.481527 43.6066955 -79.486367 43.6049048 -79.492524 43.6026266 -79.492714 43.6025991


  • 4 years old and less
  • % Lone-Family
  • 14 years old and less
  • 65 years old and more
  • 85 years old and more
  • Median Age
  • Average Age
  • Population density per Km2
  • Divorced
  • Number of household with one person
  • Average number of children at home per census family
  • Common Law
  • Married people
  • Persons per family
  • Religion chrétienne
  • Religion juive
  • Religion musulmane
  • Religion Sans affiliation
  • Overcrowding
  • Population Variation
  • Transport

  • Automobilist
  • Cyclist
  • Late waker
  • Early Birds
  • Walkers
  • Passengers
  • Average Transit Time
  • Duration of commute: 15 min
  • Duration of commute: 1H +
  • Active Transportation
  • Sustainable Transportation
  • Travailleur - après midi et soir
  • Transit Users
  • Economy

  • Prevalence of low income after tax
  • In the bottom decile - poorest
  • In the second decile - Income
  • In the third decile - Income
  • In the 4th decile - Income
  • In the 5th decile - Income
  • In the 7th decile - Income
  • In the 8th top decile - Richest
  • In the 9th top decile - Richest
  • In the top decile - Richest
  • Domestic business potential
  • Diff with Average and Median
  • Household maintainers under 25
  • Paid Tax
  • Prosperity index
  • Tenents spending more then 30% on rent
  • Individual earning of 125 000$ and more
  • Individual earning of 150 000$ and more
  • Owners spending more then 30% on shelter costs"
  • Live at the same place for more then 5 years
  • Median Income
  • Average Income
  • Average Income of Households
  • Education

  • Bachelor
  • Postgratuated
  • Population with PHD
  • Études effectués hors Canada
  • Mathematics, computer and information sciences
  • Studied in social and behavioural sciences or law
  • Population with university diploma
  • Without diploma
  • Highschool - highest diploma
  • Housing / Real estate

  • Year of income to pay residence
  • Appartement dans un duplex
  • Apartments buildings 5 or more storeys
  • Cost per room
  • Coup par pièce (location - par mois)
  • Difference Cost mortgage - Rent
  • Part of a condominium development
  • Private dwellings per KM2
  • House built in last 5 years
  • House major repairs needed  (%)
  • Subsidized Housing
  • Maison détachée
  • Row House
  • Semi-detached house
  • Median Multiple
  • Mois loyer pour payer valeur des maisons
  • Counts of private dwellings
  • Average number of rooms per dwelling
  • % of rent
  • Prix mensuel des maisons (propriétaire)
  • Average monthly shelter costs for rented dwellings
  • Owner households with a mortgage,
  • Dwelling built before 1960
  • Dwelling built between 1961 and 1980
  • Dwelling built between 1981 and 1990
  • Residential occupancy rate
  • Median Residence Value
  • Residence Average Value
  • Valeur résidence - Diff moyenne et médiane
  • Residential value Km2
  • Language

  • Allophone
  • English as Work Language
  • English as Mother Tongue
  • Bilingual (English / French)
  • French as Mother Tongue
  • French / English as Work Language
  • French spoken at home (one lang only)
  • French as Work Language
  • Arabic speaker
  • Locuteur espagnol
  • Locuteur Tagalog
  • Locuteur Yiddish
  • Social

  • Gentrification factor
  • Work

  • Artist
  • Participation rate
  • Inactive population
  • Unemployement Rate
  • Work from Home
  • Work in the same city
  • Work in another census division
  • Work in another province
  • Part Time Work
  • Work outside Canada
  • Self-employed worker
  • Immigration

  • Migrants
  • Immigrant - Last 5 years
  • Migrants - more then 35 years ago
  • Interprovincial Immigration
  • Immigrant - intra provinciale - 5 ans
  • Immigrant - intra provinciale - 5 ans
  • Immigrant from Haiti
  • Immigrant from India
  • Immigrant from Italy
  • Immigrant from China
  • Immigrant from France
  • Immigrant from Greece
  • Immigrants from United States
  • Immigrants from Philippines
  • Immigrants from Lebano
  • Immigrant from Mexico
  • Immigrants from Pakistan
  • Immigrant from Portugal
  • Immigrant from Viet Nam

  • Share


    64 Cities

    143 indicators

    371 districts and neighborhood

    8 Census Metropolitan Areas

    159 139 maps