House major repairs needed  (%) - Thorncliffe Park Neighborhood - CMA of Toronto

Toronto   CMA
Min:    -  Max: 

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Data source:

Statistic Canada - National Household Survey (NHS) 2016

About this indicator

This category includes dwellings needing major repairs such as dwellings with defective plumbing or electrical wiring and dwellings needing structural repairs to walls, floors or ceilings.

- Thorncliffe Park Neighborhood, note on geographic borders: because districts shapes are a based on Statistic Canada Census Tract, they may differ from officials limits.

* This position is relative to all census tract from Great Toronto Qué - Canada


  • 535019404
  • 535019403
  • 535019402
  • 535019401
  • 5350194.02,-79.337915 43.7052255 -79.337681 43.7051590 -79.337260 43.7051079 -79.336670 43.7049192 -79.336302 43.7047518 -79.336167 43.7047228 -79.335752 43.7044377 -79.335631 43.7043843 -79.335434 43.7042980 -79.335428 43.7042938 -79.337813 43.7029792 -79.338198 43.7032455 -79.338916 43.7038636 -79.339327 43.7042560 -79.339734 43.7043677 -79.340120 43.7043401 -79.340282 43.7042952 -79.340276 43.7043066 -79.340287 43.7043024 -79.341215 43.7039425 -79.341212 43.7040399 -79.341247 43.7041394 -79.341282 43.7042029 -79.341342 43.7042848 -79.341414 43.7043579 -79.341499 43.7044403 -79.341552 43.7044801 -79.341596 43.7045137 -79.341694 43.7045781 -79.341754 43.7046330 -79.341852 43.7046974 -79.341858 43.7047022 -79.341949 43.7047708 -79.342017 43.7048348 -79.342046 43.7048623 -79.342155 43.7049449 -79.342240 43.7050273 -79.342337 43.7051096 -79.342422 43.7051830 -79.342507 43.7052562 -79.342603 43.7053477 -79.342675 43.7054387 -79.342682 43.7054458 -79.342744 43.7055106 -79.342772 43.7055391 -79.342808 43.7055952 -79.342819 43.7056118 -79.342867 43.7057025 -79.342913 43.7058023 -79.342948 43.7058929 -79.342969 43.7059333 -79.342972 43.7059382 -79.343019 43.7060379 -79.343039 43.7061015 -79.343041 43.7061104 -79.343076 43.7062008 -79.343529 43.7072650 -79.343601 43.7074329 -79.343660 43.7075418 -79.343707 43.7076236 -79.343988 43.7082490 -79.344010 43.7083015 -79.344314 43.7090369 -79.344396 43.7091913 -79.344457 43.7092642 -79.344480 43.7092914 -79.344494 43.7093290 -79.344515 43.7093616 -79.344547 43.7094118 -79.344586 43.7094558 -79.344641 43.7095012 -79.344722 43.7095570 -79.344788 43.7095996 -79.344856 43.7096400 -79.344915 43.7096777 -79.344965 43.7097126 -79.345001 43.7097413 -79.345033 43.7097709 -79.345053 43.7097978 -79.345054 43.7097986 -79.345099 43.7098496 -79.345152 43.7099409 -79.345222 43.7101151 -79.344023 43.7102236 -79.342626 43.7103501 -79.339988 43.7110166 -79.339868 43.7109082 -79.339815 43.7108984 -79.339658 43.7108692 -79.339523 43.7108042 -79.339439 43.7107219 -79.339380 43.7106040 -79.339407 43.7105234 -79.339495 43.7104706 -79.339523 43.7103810 -79.339475 43.7102903 -79.339452 43.7102359 -79.339270 43.7100982 -79.339012 43.7100044 -79.338802 43.7099654 -79.338496 43.7097988 -79.338016 43.7091886 -79.337961 43.7090592 -79.337883 43.7088764 -79.337877 43.7088624 -79.337842 43.7087209 -79.337743 43.7083203 -79.337749 43.7080953 -79.337854 43.7078230 -79.337856 43.7078177 -79.338008 43.7076838 -79.338097 43.7076051 -79.338119 43.7075334 -79.338125 43.7075155 -79.337835 43.7072321 -79.337346 43.7069549 -79.337212 43.7068539 -79.337189 43.7067996 -79.337259 43.7065125 -79.337388 43.7063433 -79.337994 43.7059739 -79.338251 43.7056265 -79.338268 43.7054917 -79.338184 43.7053555 -79.337915 43.70522555350194.03,-79.343807 43.7017545 -79.343893 43.7017649 -79.344004 43.7018024 -79.344091 43.7018436 -79.344102 43.7018488 -79.344188 43.7018862 -79.344261 43.7019322 -79.345666 43.7026924 -79.346621 43.7032089 -79.348018 43.7039765 -79.348052 43.7039949 -79.348210 43.7040834 -79.349150 43.7046068 -79.349213 43.7046419 -79.349787 43.7049654 -79.349861 43.7050024 -79.349947 43.7050488 -79.349004 43.7059175 -79.348474 43.7062609 -79.348210 43.7063743 -79.347833 43.7065398 -79.347532 43.7066345 -79.345608 43.7071019 -79.343660 43.7075418 -79.343601 43.7074329 -79.343529 43.7072650 -79.343076 43.7062008 -79.343041 43.7061104 -79.343039 43.7061015 -79.343019 43.7060379 -79.342972 43.7059382 -79.342969 43.7059333 -79.342948 43.7058929 -79.342913 43.7058023 -79.342867 43.7057025 -79.342819 43.7056118 -79.342808 43.7055952 -79.342772 43.7055391 -79.342744 43.7055106 -79.342682 43.7054458 -79.342675 43.7054387 -79.342603 43.7053477 -79.342507 43.7052562 -79.342422 43.7051830 -79.342337 43.7051096 -79.342240 43.7050273 -79.342155 43.7049449 -79.342046 43.7048623 -79.342017 43.7048348 -79.341949 43.7047708 -79.341858 43.7047022 -79.341852 43.7046974 -79.341754 43.7046330 -79.341694 43.7045781 -79.341596 43.7045137 -79.341552 43.7044801 -79.341499 43.7044403 -79.341414 43.7043579 -79.341342 43.7042848 -79.341282 43.7042029 -79.341247 43.7041394 -79.341212 43.7040399 -79.341215 43.7039425 -79.341215 43.7039409 -79.341229 43.7038691 -79.341269 43.7037796 -79.341275 43.7037733 -79.341346 43.7036997 -79.341358 43.7036818 -79.341489 43.7035510 -79.341631 43.7034086 -79.341792 43.7032470 -79.341814 43.7032255 -79.342788 43.7022529 -79.342864 43.7021910 -79.342966 43.7020845 -79.343056 43.7019957 -79.343157 43.7019163 -79.343179 43.7019041 -79.343283 43.7018460 -79.343378 43.7018047 -79.343384 43.7018025 -79.343484 43.7017769 -79.343583 43.7017603 -79.343611 43.7017585 -79.343695 43.7017530 -79.343807 43.70175455350194.04,-79.348451 43.7163043 -79.348299 43.7162436 -79.348231 43.7162339 -79.348088 43.7162135 -79.347994 43.7162092 -79.347506 43.7161871 -79.347060 43.7161266 -79.346901 43.7160613 -79.346816 43.7159791 -79.346793 43.7159067 -79.346808 43.7158259 -79.346927 43.7155485 -79.346895 43.7153589 -79.346811 43.7152497 -79.346701 43.7151851 -79.346145 43.7151050 -79.345610 43.7151513 -79.345296 43.7152818 -79.345023 43.7152778 -79.344913 43.7152132 -79.344855 43.7150683 -79.344846 43.7149421 -79.344775 43.7148240 -79.344678 43.7147416 -79.344226 43.7144829 -79.343942 43.7144068 -79.343758 43.7143321 -79.343515 43.7141575 -79.343442 43.7140934 -79.343264 43.7137937 -79.342852 43.7134186 -79.342249 43.7132388 -79.342040 43.7131547 -79.341761 43.7129256 -79.341406 43.7127403 -79.340924 43.7126793 -79.340738 43.7126856 -79.340473 43.7128078 -79.340319 43.7130127 -79.340180 43.7131007 -79.339993 43.7131160 -79.339846 43.7130688 -79.339601 43.7129302 -79.339497 43.7126676 -79.339498 43.7126046 -79.339944 43.7122059 -79.340112 43.7119742 -79.340264 43.7118594 -79.340316 43.7117611 -79.340248 43.7114957 -79.340205 43.7113311 -79.340204 43.7113273 -79.340157 43.7112276 -79.340112 43.7111709 -79.340107 43.7111655 -79.339989 43.7110180 -79.339988 43.7110166 -79.342626 43.7103501 -79.344023 43.7102236 -79.345222 43.7101151 -79.345152 43.7099409 -79.345099 43.7098496 -79.345054 43.7097986 -79.345053 43.7097978 -79.345033 43.7097709 -79.345001 43.7097413 -79.344965 43.7097126 -79.344915 43.7096777 -79.344856 43.7096400 -79.344788 43.7095996 -79.344722 43.7095570 -79.344641 43.7095012 -79.344586 43.7094558 -79.344547 43.7094118 -79.344515 43.7093616 -79.344494 43.7093290 -79.344480 43.7092914 -79.344457 43.7092642 -79.344396 43.7091913 -79.344314 43.7090369 -79.344010 43.7083015 -79.343988 43.7082490 -79.343707 43.7076236 -79.343660 43.7075418 -79.345608 43.7071019 -79.347532 43.7066345 -79.347833 43.7065398 -79.348210 43.7063743 -79.348474 43.7062609 -79.349004 43.7059175 -79.349947 43.7050488 -79.349861 43.7050024 -79.349787 43.7049654 -79.349213 43.7046419 -79.349150 43.7046068 -79.348210 43.7040834 -79.348052 43.7039949 -79.348018 43.7039765 -79.346621 43.7032089 -79.345666 43.7026924 -79.344261 43.7019322 -79.344188 43.7018862 -79.344102 43.7018488 -79.344091 43.7018436 -79.344004 43.7018024 -79.343893 43.7017649 -79.343807 43.7017545 -79.343695 43.7017530 -79.343611 43.7017585 -79.344163 43.7012503 -79.344187 43.7012563 -79.345811 43.6986158 -79.345871 43.6985160 -79.345916 43.6985286 -79.346014 43.6986198 -79.346057 43.6986500 -79.346104 43.6986839 -79.346256 43.6987706 -79.346300 43.6987865 -79.346665 43.6989213 -79.346937 43.6989986 -79.347136 43.6990770 -79.347147 43.6990835 -79.347281 43.6991638 -79.347661 43.6993907 -79.347856 43.6995286 -79.348188 43.6998610 -79.348194 43.6998666 -79.348255 43.6999209 -79.348602 43.6999485 -79.348811 43.6999508 -79.349214 43.6999552 -79.349755 43.6999612 -79.350148 43.6998687 -79.350408 43.6997434 -79.350468 43.6996154 -79.350492 43.6995654 -79.350552 43.6994351 -79.350562 43.6994204 -79.350903 43.6999860 -79.350911 43.6999989 -79.351298 43.7006738 -79.351417 43.7008794 -79.351471 43.7009631 -79.351520 43.7010254 -79.351584 43.7010998 -79.351661 43.7011773 -79.351732 43.7012452 -79.351819 43.7013227 -79.351936 43.7014172 -79.351937 43.7014183 -79.352051 43.7015006 -79.352167 43.7015774 -79.352243 43.7016189 -79.352357 43.7016901 -79.352474 43.7017427 -79.352596 43.7017978 -79.352700 43.7018533 -79.352766 43.7018801 -79.352830 43.7019113 -79.353139 43.7019919 -79.353357 43.7020335 -79.353628 43.7020511 -79.353967 43.7020516 -79.354392 43.7020422 -79.355042 43.7020092 -79.355524 43.7019548 -79.355524 43.7019515 -79.355530 43.7019508 -79.355704 43.7019354 -79.355828 43.7019191 -79.355953 43.7019029 -79.356115 43.7018873 -79.356276 43.7018716 -79.356463 43.7018472 -79.356649 43.7018499 -79.356848 43.7018347 -79.357022 43.7018283 -79.357196 43.7018218 -79.357320 43.7018235 -79.357444 43.7018344 -79.357704 43.7018560 -79.357927 43.7018683 -79.358100 43.7018798 -79.358162 43.7018807 -79.358262 43.7018911 -79.358398 43.7019111 -79.358447 43.7019207 -79.358502 43.7019371 -79.358533 43.7019490 -79.358644 43.7019867 -79.358832 43.7020592 -79.358907 43.7020877 -79.358943 43.7021019 -79.359017 43.7021303 -79.359087 43.7021571 -79.359356 43.7022606 -79.359374 43.7022679 -79.359479 43.7023108 -79.359595 43.7023738 -79.359711 43.7024325 -79.359825 43.7024957 -79.359903 43.7025584 -79.359986 43.7026309 -79.360061 43.7026925 -79.360152 43.7027692 -79.360258 43.7028486 -79.360360 43.7029434 -79.360437 43.7030217 -79.360546 43.7031352 -79.360637 43.7032606 -79.360673 43.7033475 -79.360740 43.7034734 -79.360809 43.7036340 -79.360849 43.7037661 -79.361122 43.7044173 -79.361470 43.7052655 -79.361808 43.7061107 -79.362273 43.7072699 -79.362459 43.7077138 -79.362784 43.7085468 -79.363517 43.7103581 -79.363713 43.7109011 -79.363895 43.7113445 -79.364085 43.7118067 -79.364434 43.7126762 -79.364795 43.7135637 -79.362310 43.7140863 -79.359814 43.7145997 -79.359376 43.7147016 -79.358703 43.7148531 -79.357927 43.7150455 -79.357429 43.7151440 -79.356843 43.7152557 -79.355911 43.7154257 -79.354943 43.7156179 -79.354160 43.7158014 -79.353308 43.7160210 -79.353247 43.7160392 -79.352670 43.7162107 -79.352633 43.7161711 -79.352565 43.7160546 -79.352431 43.7158261 -79.352346 43.7157528 -79.352285 43.7157339 -79.351925 43.7157197 -79.351776 43.7157446 -79.350148 43.7157931 -79.349922 43.7158799 -79.349917 43.7160599 -79.348867 43.7163508 -79.348655 43.7163658 -79.348581 43.7163557 -79.348451 43.71630435350194.01,-79.336515 43.7028210 -79.336732 43.7026749 -79.336987 43.7024535 -79.337437 43.7022993 -79.337532 43.7021735 -79.337585 43.7021053 -79.337631 43.7020459 -79.337667 43.7019998 -79.337999 43.7018348 -79.338331 43.7016726 -79.338394 43.7016461 -79.338437 43.7016283 -79.338939 43.7013936 -79.339117 43.7012881 -79.339221 43.7012262 -79.339511 43.7009236 -79.339843 43.7005416 -79.339911 43.7004637 -79.340089 43.7003635 -79.340211 43.7002945 -79.340265 43.7002354 -79.340300 43.7001968 -79.340592 43.6999759 -79.341009 43.6997208 -79.341481 43.6994285 -79.341790 43.6992951 -79.341822 43.6992812 -79.342151 43.6992291 -79.342622 43.6991545 -79.342899 43.6991090 -79.342929 43.6990971 -79.343049 43.6990489 -79.343078 43.6990376 -79.343279 43.6988278 -79.343345 43.6987589 -79.343577 43.6985608 -79.343854 43.6984500 -79.343993 43.6983971 -79.344210 43.6983147 -79.344276 43.6983096 -79.344542 43.6982888 -79.345050 43.6983163 -79.345151 43.6983301 -79.345282 43.6983479 -79.345871 43.6985160 -79.345811 43.6986158 -79.344187 43.7012563 -79.344163 43.7012503 -79.343611 43.7017585 -79.343583 43.7017603 -79.343484 43.7017769 -79.343384 43.7018025 -79.343378 43.7018047 -79.343283 43.7018460 -79.343179 43.7019041 -79.343157 43.7019163 -79.343056 43.7019957 -79.342966 43.7020845 -79.342864 43.7021910 -79.342788 43.7022529 -79.341814 43.7032255 -79.341792 43.7032470 -79.341631 43.7034086 -79.341489 43.7035510 -79.341358 43.7036818 -79.341346 43.7036997 -79.341275 43.7037733 -79.341269 43.7037796 -79.341229 43.7038691 -79.341215 43.7039409 -79.341215 43.7039425 -79.340287 43.7043024 -79.340276 43.7043066 -79.340282 43.7042952 -79.340120 43.7043401 -79.339734 43.7043677 -79.339327 43.7042560 -79.338916 43.7038636 -79.338198 43.7032455 -79.337813 43.7029792 -79.335428 43.7042938 -79.335255 43.7041683 -79.335105 43.7040591 -79.335026 43.7037788 -79.335080 43.7036175 -79.335313 43.7032608 -79.335314 43.7032602 -79.335322 43.7032478 -79.335371 43.7031773 -79.335854 43.7031343 -79.335888 43.7031308 -79.335941 43.7031077 -79.336259 43.7029685 -79.336365 43.7029217 -79.336515 43.7028210


  • 4 years old and less
  • % Lone-Family
  • 14 years old and less
  • 65 years old and more
  • 85 years old and more
  • Median Age
  • Average Age
  • Population density per Km2
  • Divorced
  • Number of household with one person
  • Average number of children at home per census family
  • Common Law
  • Married people
  • Persons per family
  • Religion chrétienne
  • Religion juive
  • Religion musulmane
  • Religion Sans affiliation
  • Overcrowding
  • Population Variation
  • Transport

  • Automobilist
  • Cyclist
  • Late waker
  • Early Birds
  • Walkers
  • Passengers
  • Average Transit Time
  • Duration of commute: 15 min
  • Duration of commute: 1H +
  • Active Transportation
  • Sustainable Transportation
  • Travailleur - après midi et soir
  • Transit Users
  • Economy

  • Prevalence of low income after tax
  • In the bottom decile - poorest
  • In the second decile - Income
  • In the third decile - Income
  • In the 4th decile - Income
  • In the 5th decile - Income
  • In the 7th decile - Income
  • In the 8th top decile - Richest
  • In the 9th top decile - Richest
  • In the top decile - Richest
  • Domestic business potential
  • Diff with Average and Median
  • Household maintainers under 25
  • Paid Tax
  • Prosperity index
  • Tenents spending more then 30% on rent
  • Individual earning of 125 000$ and more
  • Individual earning of 150 000$ and more
  • Owners spending more then 30% on shelter costs"
  • Live at the same place for more then 5 years
  • Median Income
  • Average Income
  • Average Income of Households
  • Education

  • Bachelor
  • Postgratuated
  • Population with PHD
  • Études effectués hors Canada
  • Mathematics, computer and information sciences
  • Studied in social and behavioural sciences or law
  • Population with university diploma
  • Without diploma
  • Highschool - highest diploma
  • Housing / Real estate

  • Year of income to pay residence
  • Appartement dans un duplex
  • Apartments buildings 5 or more storeys
  • Cost per room
  • Coup par pièce (location - par mois)
  • Difference Cost mortgage - Rent
  • Part of a condominium development
  • Private dwellings per KM2
  • House built in last 5 years
  • House major repairs needed  (%)
  • Subsidized Housing
  • Maison détachée
  • Row House
  • Semi-detached house
  • Median Multiple
  • Mois loyer pour payer valeur des maisons
  • Counts of private dwellings
  • Average number of rooms per dwelling
  • % of rent
  • Prix mensuel des maisons (propriétaire)
  • Average monthly shelter costs for rented dwellings
  • Owner households with a mortgage,
  • Dwelling built before 1960
  • Dwelling built between 1961 and 1980
  • Dwelling built between 1981 and 1990
  • Residential occupancy rate
  • Median Residence Value
  • Residence Average Value
  • Valeur résidence - Diff moyenne et médiane
  • Residential value Km2
  • Language

  • Allophone
  • English as Work Language
  • English as Mother Tongue
  • Bilingual (English / French)
  • French as Mother Tongue
  • French / English as Work Language
  • French spoken at home (one lang only)
  • French as Work Language
  • Arabic speaker
  • Locuteur espagnol
  • Locuteur Tagalog
  • Locuteur Yiddish
  • Social

  • Gentrification factor
  • Work

  • Artist
  • Participation rate
  • Inactive population
  • Unemployement Rate
  • Work from Home
  • Work in the same city
  • Work in another census division
  • Work in another province
  • Part Time Work
  • Work outside Canada
  • Self-employed worker
  • Immigration

  • Migrants
  • Immigrant - Last 5 years
  • Migrants - more then 35 years ago
  • Interprovincial Immigration
  • Immigrant - intra provinciale - 5 ans
  • Immigrant - intra provinciale - 5 ans
  • Immigrant from Haiti
  • Immigrant from India
  • Immigrant from Italy
  • Immigrant from China
  • Immigrant from France
  • Immigrant from Greece
  • Immigrants from United States
  • Immigrants from Philippines
  • Immigrants from Lebano
  • Immigrant from Mexico
  • Immigrants from Pakistan
  • Immigrant from Portugal
  • Immigrant from Viet Nam

  • Share


    64 Cities

    143 indicators

    371 districts and neighborhood

    8 Census Metropolitan Areas

    159 139 maps