Domestic business potential per Km2 - Lawrence Park North Neighborhood - CMA of Toronto

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Data source:

Statistic Canada - National Household Survey (NHS) 2016

About this indicator

Revenue density is a way of calculating the money available in a sector, but according to the size of the geographic space.

The calculation

(average income * number of people with income) / area

What's the point?

This indicator is useful for local businesses: it allows them to know if there is a lot of money in a sector.

Everyone knows that residents of Westmount have a high income, but with this metric, we realize that there is a lot more money per square kilometer in highly populated areas like Plateau Mon-Royal.

- Lawrence Park North Neighborhood, note on geographic borders: because districts shapes are a based on Statistic Canada Census Tract, they may differ from officials limits.

* This position is relative to all census tract from Great Toronto Qué - Canada


  • 535014102
  • 535014101
  • 535014200
  • 5350142.00,-79.400713 43.7254077 -79.402183 43.7250956 -79.402358 43.7256739 -79.402503 43.7262792 -79.402833 43.7274273 -79.402934 43.7278249 -79.403057 43.7283128 -79.403112 43.7285747 -79.403283 43.7291532 -79.403338 43.7294241 -79.403449 43.7299209 -79.403539 43.7302644 -79.403710 43.7308610 -79.403752 43.7311226 -79.403968 43.7318730 -79.403991 43.7319724 -79.404190 43.7328935 -79.404212 43.7329928 -79.404380 43.7336615 -79.404436 43.7338874 -79.404516 43.7341676 -79.404538 43.7342579 -79.404538 43.7342581 -79.404560 43.7343572 -79.404189 43.7343575 -79.403413 43.7345002 -79.399978 43.7352502 -79.399304 43.7353378 -79.398972 43.7354057 -79.398957 43.7354089 -79.398925 43.7354159 -79.392812 43.7367845 -79.392506 43.7360228 -79.391258 43.7324353 -79.391080 43.7318579 -79.390922 43.7313725 -79.390819 43.7310352 -79.390800 43.7309732 -79.390631 43.7299845 -79.390634 43.7299842 -79.390884 43.7299247 -79.390532 43.7291289 -79.390344 43.7285475 -79.390286 43.7284360 -79.390065 43.7276760 -79.391982 43.7272517 -79.393958 43.7268525 -79.395144 43.7265903 -79.396081 43.7263873 -79.396393 43.7263377 -79.397234 43.7261420 -79.397554 43.7260838 -79.398840 43.7258317 -79.399190 43.7257465 -79.399290 43.7257209 -79.400001 43.7255688 -79.400713 43.72540775350141.02,-79.414948 43.7275330 -79.415719 43.7273732 -79.416004 43.7282841 -79.416233 43.7293058 -79.416311 43.7299361 -79.416410 43.7303361 -79.416611 43.7313733 -79.416903 43.7321573 -79.416889 43.7329356 -79.416895 43.7332109 -79.416318 43.7334763 -79.414355 43.7338892 -79.412421 43.7343408 -79.411222 43.7346029 -79.410111 43.7348489 -79.409376 43.7349722 -79.408824 43.7351285 -79.408225 43.7352637 -79.407458 43.7354571 -79.405578 43.7358486 -79.404927 43.7360011 -79.404828 43.7355224 -79.404560 43.7343572 -79.404538 43.7342581 -79.404538 43.7342579 -79.404516 43.7341676 -79.404436 43.7338874 -79.404380 43.7336615 -79.404212 43.7329928 -79.404190 43.7328935 -79.403991 43.7319724 -79.403968 43.7318730 -79.403752 43.7311226 -79.403710 43.7308610 -79.403539 43.7302644 -79.403449 43.7299209 -79.404097 43.7297952 -79.404098 43.7297949 -79.405234 43.7295677 -79.406782 43.7292381 -79.408743 43.7288243 -79.410677 43.7284370 -79.412288 43.7280992 -79.413999 43.7277268 -79.414948 43.72753305350141.01,-79.413810 43.7226460 -79.414197 43.7225614 -79.414576 43.7232747 -79.414479 43.7241050 -79.414731 43.7249187 -79.415077 43.7258067 -79.415413 43.7266223 -79.415719 43.7273732 -79.414948 43.7275330 -79.413999 43.7277268 -79.412288 43.7280992 -79.410677 43.7284370 -79.408743 43.7288243 -79.406782 43.7292381 -79.405234 43.7295677 -79.404098 43.7297949 -79.404097 43.7297952 -79.403449 43.7299209 -79.403338 43.7294241 -79.403283 43.7291532 -79.403112 43.7285747 -79.403057 43.7283128 -79.402934 43.7278249 -79.402833 43.7274273 -79.402503 43.7262792 -79.402358 43.7256739 -79.402183 43.7250956 -79.403166 43.7249101 -79.403559 43.7248354 -79.404546 43.7246060 -79.405595 43.7243776 -79.407106 43.7240564 -79.408778 43.7237285 -79.410015 43.7234576 -79.411338 43.7231789 -79.412099 43.7230274 -79.413186 43.7227904 -79.413810 43.7226460





    Housing / Real estate

  • Year of income to pay residence
  • Appartement dans un duplex
  • Apartments buildings 5 or more storeys
  • Cost per room
  • Coup par pièce (location - par mois)
  • Difference Cost mortgage - Rent
  • Part of a condominium development
  • Private dwellings per KM2
  • House built in last 5 years
  • House major repairs needed  (%)
  • Subsidized Housing
  • Maison détachée
  • Row House
  • Semi-detached house
  • Median Multiple
  • Mois loyer pour payer valeur des maisons
  • Counts of private dwellings
  • Average number of rooms per dwelling
  • % of rent
  • Prix mensuel des maisons (propriétaire)
  • Average monthly shelter costs for rented dwellings
  • Owner households with a mortgage,
  • Dwelling built before 1960
  • Dwelling built between 1961 and 1980
  • Dwelling built between 1981 and 1990
  • Residential occupancy rate
  • Median Residence Value
  • Residence Average Value
  • Valeur résidence - Diff moyenne et médiane
  • Residential value Km2
  • Language






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