Data source:Statistic Canada - National Household Survey (NHS)
About this indicatorEconomic family after-tax income decile group - The economic family income decile group provides a rough ranking of the economic situation of a person based on his or her relative position in the Canadian distribution of the adjusted after-tax income of economic families for all persons in private households.
Using data from the 2016 Census of Population, the population in private households is sorted according to its adjusted after-tax family income and then divided into 10 equal groups each containing 10% of the population. The decile cut-points are the levels of adjusted after-tax family income that define the 10 groups.
- Lawrence Park North Neighborhood, note on geographic borders: because districts shapes are a based on Statistic Canada Census Tract, they may differ from officials limits.
* This position is relative to all census tract from Great Toronto Qué - Canada
5350142.00,-79.400713 43.7254077 -79.402183 43.7250956 -79.402358 43.7256739 -79.402503 43.7262792 -79.402833 43.7274273 -79.402934 43.7278249 -79.403057 43.7283128 -79.403112 43.7285747 -79.403283 43.7291532 -79.403338 43.7294241 -79.403449 43.7299209 -79.403539 43.7302644 -79.403710 43.7308610 -79.403752 43.7311226 -79.403968 43.7318730 -79.403991 43.7319724 -79.404190 43.7328935 -79.404212 43.7329928 -79.404380 43.7336615 -79.404436 43.7338874 -79.404516 43.7341676 -79.404538 43.7342579 -79.404538 43.7342581 -79.404560 43.7343572 -79.404189 43.7343575 -79.403413 43.7345002 -79.399978 43.7352502 -79.399304 43.7353378 -79.398972 43.7354057 -79.398957 43.7354089 -79.398925 43.7354159 -79.392812 43.7367845 -79.392506 43.7360228 -79.391258 43.7324353 -79.391080 43.7318579 -79.390922 43.7313725 -79.390819 43.7310352 -79.390800 43.7309732 -79.390631 43.7299845 -79.390634 43.7299842 -79.390884 43.7299247 -79.390532 43.7291289 -79.390344 43.7285475 -79.390286 43.7284360 -79.390065 43.7276760 -79.391982 43.7272517 -79.393958 43.7268525 -79.395144 43.7265903 -79.396081 43.7263873 -79.396393 43.7263377 -79.397234 43.7261420 -79.397554 43.7260838 -79.398840 43.7258317 -79.399190 43.7257465 -79.399290 43.7257209 -79.400001 43.7255688 -79.400713 43.72540775350141.02,-79.414948 43.7275330 -79.415719 43.7273732 -79.416004 43.7282841 -79.416233 43.7293058 -79.416311 43.7299361 -79.416410 43.7303361 -79.416611 43.7313733 -79.416903 43.7321573 -79.416889 43.7329356 -79.416895 43.7332109 -79.416318 43.7334763 -79.414355 43.7338892 -79.412421 43.7343408 -79.411222 43.7346029 -79.410111 43.7348489 -79.409376 43.7349722 -79.408824 43.7351285 -79.408225 43.7352637 -79.407458 43.7354571 -79.405578 43.7358486 -79.404927 43.7360011 -79.404828 43.7355224 -79.404560 43.7343572 -79.404538 43.7342581 -79.404538 43.7342579 -79.404516 43.7341676 -79.404436 43.7338874 -79.404380 43.7336615 -79.404212 43.7329928 -79.404190 43.7328935 -79.403991 43.7319724 -79.403968 43.7318730 -79.403752 43.7311226 -79.403710 43.7308610 -79.403539 43.7302644 -79.403449 43.7299209 -79.404097 43.7297952 -79.404098 43.7297949 -79.405234 43.7295677 -79.406782 43.7292381 -79.408743 43.7288243 -79.410677 43.7284370 -79.412288 43.7280992 -79.413999 43.7277268 -79.414948 43.72753305350141.01,-79.413810 43.7226460 -79.414197 43.7225614 -79.414576 43.7232747 -79.414479 43.7241050 -79.414731 43.7249187 -79.415077 43.7258067 -79.415413 43.7266223 -79.415719 43.7273732 -79.414948 43.7275330 -79.413999 43.7277268 -79.412288 43.7280992 -79.410677 43.7284370 -79.408743 43.7288243 -79.406782 43.7292381 -79.405234 43.7295677 -79.404098 43.7297949 -79.404097 43.7297952 -79.403449 43.7299209 -79.403338 43.7294241 -79.403283 43.7291532 -79.403112 43.7285747 -79.403057 43.7283128 -79.402934 43.7278249 -79.402833 43.7274273 -79.402503 43.7262792 -79.402358 43.7256739 -79.402183 43.7250956 -79.403166 43.7249101 -79.403559 43.7248354 -79.404546 43.7246060 -79.405595 43.7243776 -79.407106 43.7240564 -79.408778 43.7237285 -79.410015 43.7234576 -79.411338 43.7231789 -79.412099 43.7230274 -79.413186 43.7227904 -79.413810 43.7226460