Domestic business potential per Km2 - West Point Gray Borough | 2011 and 2016 - CMA of Vancouver

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Data source:

Statistic Canada - National Household Survey (NHS) 2016

About this indicator

Revenue density is a way of calculating the money available in a sector, but according to the size of the geographic space.

The calculation

(average income * number of people with income) / area

What's the point?

This indicator is useful for local businesses: it allows them to know if there is a lot of money in a sector.

Everyone knows that residents of Westmount have a high income, but with this metric, we realize that there is a lot more money per square kilometer in highly populated areas like Plateau Mon-Royal.

- West Point Gray Borough, note on geographic borders: because districts shapes are a based on Statistic Canada Census Tract, they may differ from officials limits.

* This position is relative to all census tract from Great Vancouver Québec - Canada

** This percentage is a relative variation - Exemple: from 5% to 10% would give 100%


  • 933004400
  • 933004301
  • 933004302
  • 9330044.00,-123.18568 49.2686072 -123.18572 49.2677527 -123.18574 49.2672946 -123.18576 49.2669276 -123.18577 49.2665028 -123.18579 49.2660684 -123.18581 49.2656666 -123.18582 49.2652468 -123.18773 49.2652631 -123.19115 49.2653108 -123.19170 49.2653184 -123.19316 49.2653388 -123.19327 49.2653174 -123.19335 49.2652700 -123.19341 49.2650958 -123.19446 49.2652815 -123.19480 49.2653218 -123.19486 49.2653291 -123.19557 49.2653520 -123.19622 49.2653619 -123.19636 49.2653641 -123.19979 49.2654166 -123.20000 49.2654201 -123.20138 49.2654441 -123.20294 49.2654729 -123.20600 49.2655271 -123.20907 49.2655803 -123.21206 49.2656207 -123.21510 49.2656730 -123.21510 49.2657441 -123.21508 49.2661280 -123.21507 49.2665350 -123.21505 49.2669376 -123.21504 49.2673682 -123.21701 49.2673814 -123.21866 49.2672889 -123.21956 49.2672383 -123.21953 49.2680111 -123.21954 49.2687920 -123.21954 49.2688047 -123.21959 49.2689791 -123.22024 49.2689111 -123.22152 49.2687760 -123.22155 49.2687725 -123.22148 49.2705583 -123.22216 49.2710734 -123.22391 49.2728647 -123.22395 49.2747608 -123.22396 49.2748449 -123.22422 49.2765431 -123.22386 49.2773860 -123.22380 49.2778160 -123.22375 49.2782057 -123.22149 49.2829043 -123.22142 49.2829033 -123.21074 49.2827656 -123.20856 49.2827071 -123.20543 49.2826239 -123.20479 49.2826119 -123.19289 49.2824120 -123.18794 49.2823286 -123.18786 49.2823288 -123.18551 49.2823359 -123.18569 49.2732978 -123.18568 49.2732766 -123.18554 49.2730594 -123.18555 49.2728731 -123.18557 49.2722746 -123.18559 49.2718108 -123.18561 49.2713155 -123.18562 49.2709064 -123.18564 49.2703986 -123.18565 49.2700025 -123.18566 49.2695256 -123.18567 49.2691119 -123.18568 49.26860729330043.01,-123.20321 49.2583700 -123.20321 49.2582672 -123.20322 49.2582674 -123.20627 49.2583130 -123.20628 49.2583133 -123.20931 49.2583746 -123.20932 49.2583748 -123.21232 49.2584363 -123.21233 49.2584366 -123.21537 49.2585123 -123.21538 49.2585127 -123.21536 49.2593886 -123.21536 49.2598498 -123.21535 49.2602934 -123.21531 49.2611965 -123.21530 49.2614239 -123.21530 49.2616397 -123.21528 49.2620904 -123.21526 49.2629869 -123.21525 49.2634483 -123.21524 49.2638555 -123.21524 49.2639994 -123.21521 49.2644021 -123.21518 49.2648079 -123.21514 49.2652558 -123.21513 49.2653837 -123.21512 49.2654982 -123.21511 49.2656075 -123.21510 49.2656730 -123.21206 49.2656207 -123.20907 49.2655803 -123.20600 49.2655271 -123.20294 49.2654729 -123.20296 49.2650538 -123.20299 49.2646158 -123.20300 49.2641901 -123.20301 49.2637435 -123.20302 49.2632813 -123.20304 49.2628077 -123.20306 49.2623726 -123.20308 49.2619251 -123.20309 49.2615112 -123.20309 49.2614455 -123.20311 49.2610144 -123.20313 49.2605371 -123.20314 49.2601109 -123.20316 49.2596470 -123.20318 49.2591905 -123.20319 49.2587473 -123.20321 49.25837009330043.02,-123.19446 49.2652815 -123.19341 49.2650958 -123.19335 49.2652700 -123.19327 49.2653174 -123.19316 49.2653388 -123.19170 49.2653184 -123.19115 49.2653108 -123.18773 49.2652631 -123.18582 49.2652468 -123.18585 49.2648394 -123.18587 49.2643700 -123.18588 49.2639397 -123.18589 49.2634815 -123.18590 49.2631186 -123.18591 49.2630039 -123.18592 49.2625471 -123.18591 49.2621136 -123.18591 49.2616688 -123.18593 49.2615628 -123.18594 49.2613893 -123.18599 49.2608098 -123.18598 49.2607222 -123.18600 49.2602876 -123.18602 49.2598467 -123.18603 49.2594152 -123.18605 49.2589317 -123.18607 49.2584975 -123.18609 49.2580210 -123.18800 49.2580331 -123.19078 49.2581064 -123.19107 49.2581139 -123.19357 49.2581465 -123.19412 49.2581536 -123.19649 49.2581872 -123.19658 49.2581884 -123.19715 49.2581964 -123.20000 49.2582267 -123.20015 49.2582283 -123.20016 49.2582284 -123.20321 49.2582672 -123.20321 49.2583700 -123.20319 49.2587473 -123.20318 49.2591905 -123.20316 49.2596470 -123.20314 49.2601109 -123.20313 49.2605371 -123.20311 49.2610144 -123.20309 49.2614455 -123.20309 49.2615112 -123.20308 49.2619251 -123.20306 49.2623726 -123.20304 49.2628077 -123.20302 49.2632813 -123.20301 49.2637435 -123.20300 49.2641901 -123.20299 49.2646158 -123.20296 49.2650538 -123.20294 49.2654729 -123.20138 49.2654441 -123.20000 49.2654201 -123.19979 49.2654166 -123.19636 49.2653641 -123.19622 49.2653619 -123.19557 49.2653520 -123.19486 49.2653291 -123.19480 49.2653218 -123.19446 49.2652815





    Housing / Real estate

  • Year of income to pay residence
  • Appartement dans un duplex
  • Apartments buildings 5 or more storeys
  • Cost per room
  • Coup par pièce (location - par mois)
  • Difference Cost mortgage - Rent
  • Part of a condominium development
  • Private dwellings per KM2
  • House built in last 5 years
  • House major repairs needed  (%)
  • Subsidized Housing
  • Maison détachée
  • Row House
  • Semi-detached house
  • Median Multiple
  • Mois loyer pour payer valeur des maisons
  • Counts of private dwellings
  • Average number of rooms per dwelling
  • % of rent
  • Prix mensuel des maisons (propriétaire)
  • Average monthly shelter costs for rented dwellings
  • Owner households with a mortgage,
  • Dwelling built before 1960
  • Dwelling built between 1961 and 1980
  • Dwelling built between 1981 and 1990
  • Residential occupancy rate
  • Median Residence Value
  • Residence Average Value
  • Valeur résidence - Diff moyenne et médiane
  • Residential value Km2
  • Language






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