Population density per Km2 - City of White Rock - CMA of Vancouver

Vancouver   CMA
Min:    -  Max: 

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Data source:

Statistic Canada - National Household Survey (NHS) 2011

- City of White Rock, note on geographic borders: because districts shapes are a based on Statistic Canada Census Tract, they may differ from officials limits.

* This position is relative to all census tract from Great Vancouver Québec - Canada


  • 933017004
  • 933017003
  • 933017005
  • 933017007
  • 933017008
  • 9330170.05,-122.79566 49.0249351 -122.79568 49.0238974 -122.79636 49.0239060 -122.79713 49.0238955 -122.79850 49.0239293 -122.79874 49.0239362 -122.79981 49.0239675 -122.80073 49.0238744 -122.80121 49.0238792 -122.80117 49.0240125 -122.80116 49.0247818 -122.80116 49.0257407 -122.80116 49.0275756 -122.80116 49.0276586 -122.80110 49.0277462 -122.80111 49.0292765 -122.80111 49.0292856 -122.80112 49.0310595 -122.80112 49.0311812 -122.80000 49.0311727 -122.79974 49.0311708 -122.79867 49.0311640 -122.79845 49.0311008 -122.79711 49.0310934 -122.79565 49.0310856 -122.79567 49.0301985 -122.79566 49.0292563 -122.79568 49.0283919 -122.79569 49.0275242 -122.79566 49.0266042 -122.79566 49.0256868 -122.79566 49.02493519330170.03,-122.80117 49.0240125 -122.80121 49.0238792 -122.80339 49.0238859 -122.80391 49.0238904 -122.80531 49.0239158 -122.80549 49.0239168 -122.80661 49.0239224 -122.80859 49.0239414 -122.80942 49.0239408 -122.80939 49.0243690 -122.80939 49.0245484 -122.80934 49.0247253 -122.80933 49.0250513 -122.80934 49.0252485 -122.80934 49.0253336 -122.80943 49.0257825 -122.80943 49.0261312 -122.80944 49.0269573 -122.80945 49.0276298 -122.80947 49.0284503 -122.80947 49.0288561 -122.80947 49.0290360 -122.80947 49.0297333 -122.80947 49.0299132 -122.80947 49.0311342 -122.80669 49.0311335 -122.80608 49.0311306 -122.80588 49.0311906 -122.80534 49.0311932 -122.80531 49.0311933 -122.80444 49.0311899 -122.80395 49.0311890 -122.80127 49.0311839 -122.80112 49.0311812 -122.80112 49.0310595 -122.80111 49.0292856 -122.80111 49.0292765 -122.80110 49.0277462 -122.80116 49.0276586 -122.80116 49.0275756 -122.80116 49.0257407 -122.80116 49.0247818 -122.80117 49.02401259330170.04,-122.80391 49.0238904 -122.80339 49.0238859 -122.80121 49.0238792 -122.80121 49.0238354 -122.80122 49.0234112 -122.80119 49.0228451 -122.80119 49.0225305 -122.80121 49.0216489 -122.80055 49.0215967 -122.80030 49.0215314 -122.80059 49.0211156 -122.80088 49.0207007 -122.80067 49.0206370 -122.80108 49.0206149 -122.80111 49.0203436 -122.80112 49.0202357 -122.80109 49.0201244 -122.80104 49.0199764 -122.80111 49.0197519 -122.80118 49.0196687 -122.80129 49.0195374 -122.80130 49.0195407 -122.80235 49.0197479 -122.80245 49.0197684 -122.80267 49.0198126 -122.80566 49.0208465 -122.80601 49.0209660 -122.80688 49.0212674 -122.80702 49.0213137 -122.80914 49.0219466 -122.80887 49.0023112 -122.80887 49.0019282 -122.80969 49.0019285 -122.81226 49.0019296 -122.81283 49.0019298 -122.81685 49.0019314 -122.82266 49.0020138 -122.82563 49.0020559 -122.83000 49.0021174 -122.84558 49.0023357 -122.84558 49.0023620 -122.84553 49.0244306 -122.84552 49.0245287 -122.84552 49.0245499 -122.84550 49.0248981 -122.84550 49.0252449 -122.84545 49.0263942 -122.84543 49.0271596 -122.84544 49.0278878 -122.84544 49.0284152 -122.84540 49.0286610 -122.84541 49.0294056 -122.84542 49.0303197 -122.84541 49.0310774 -122.84541 49.0312278 -122.84384 49.0312320 -122.83923 49.0312108 -122.83740 49.0312011 -122.83597 49.0311960 -122.83435 49.0311916 -122.83408 49.0311901 -122.83041 49.0311714 -122.82825 49.0311737 -122.82607 49.0311667 -122.82468 49.0311753 -122.82328 49.0311724 -122.82029 49.0311677 -122.81932 49.0311651 -122.81759 49.0311617 -122.81493 49.0311566 -122.81221 49.0311544 -122.80947 49.0311342 -122.80947 49.0299132 -122.80947 49.0297333 -122.80947 49.0290360 -122.80947 49.0288561 -122.80947 49.0284503 -122.80945 49.0276298 -122.80944 49.0269573 -122.80943 49.0261312 -122.80943 49.0257825 -122.80934 49.0253336 -122.80934 49.0252485 -122.80933 49.0250513 -122.80934 49.0247253 -122.80939 49.0245484 -122.80939 49.0243690 -122.80942 49.0239408 -122.80859 49.0239414 -122.80661 49.0239224 -122.80549 49.0239168 -122.80531 49.0239158 -122.80391 49.02389049330170.07,-122.77917 49.0310655 -122.77917 49.0291956 -122.77918 49.0274427 -122.77920 49.0256230 -122.77919 49.0237785 -122.77923 49.0220276 -122.78063 49.0220201 -122.78212 49.0220200 -122.78357 49.0220209 -122.78419 49.0220279 -122.78493 49.0220275 -122.78615 49.0220279 -122.78747 49.0220288 -122.79014 49.0220283 -122.79013 49.0223409 -122.79062 49.0225069 -122.79242 49.0230449 -122.79304 49.0222043 -122.79361 49.0214193 -122.79545 49.0220125 -122.79725 49.0226077 -122.79670 49.0234284 -122.79636 49.0239060 -122.79568 49.0238974 -122.79566 49.0249351 -122.79566 49.0256868 -122.79566 49.0266042 -122.79569 49.0275242 -122.79568 49.0283919 -122.79566 49.0292563 -122.79567 49.0301985 -122.79565 49.0310856 -122.79538 49.0310855 -122.79289 49.0310844 -122.79163 49.0310807 -122.79144 49.0310802 -122.79016 49.0310765 -122.78870 49.0310852 -122.78728 49.0310859 -122.78535 49.0310850 -122.78468 49.0310847 -122.78337 49.0310814 -122.78066 49.0310668 -122.77917 49.03106559330170.08,-122.80130 49.0195407 -122.80129 49.0195374 -122.80118 49.0196687 -122.80111 49.0197519 -122.80104 49.0199764 -122.80109 49.0201244 -122.80112 49.0202357 -122.80111 49.0203436 -122.80108 49.0206149 -122.80067 49.0206370 -122.80088 49.0207007 -122.80059 49.0211156 -122.80030 49.0215314 -122.80055 49.0215967 -122.80121 49.0216489 -122.80119 49.0225305 -122.80119 49.0228451 -122.80122 49.0234112 -122.80121 49.0238354 -122.80121 49.0238792 -122.80073 49.0238744 -122.79981 49.0239675 -122.79874 49.0239362 -122.79850 49.0239293 -122.79713 49.0238955 -122.79636 49.0239060 -122.79670 49.0234284 -122.79725 49.0226077 -122.79545 49.0220125 -122.79361 49.0214193 -122.79304 49.0222043 -122.79242 49.0230449 -122.79062 49.0225069 -122.79013 49.0223409 -122.79014 49.0220283 -122.78747 49.0220288 -122.78615 49.0220279 -122.78493 49.0220275 -122.78419 49.0220279 -122.78357 49.0220209 -122.78212 49.0220200 -122.78063 49.0220201 -122.77923 49.0220276 -122.77922 49.0202097 -122.77924 49.0183815 -122.77924 49.0180251 -122.77925 49.0172515 -122.77926 49.0165625 -122.77941 49.0165630 -122.78063 49.0165667 -122.78201 49.0165729 -122.78340 49.0165730 -122.78479 49.0165696 -122.78614 49.0165705 -122.78750 49.0165735 -122.78889 49.0165673 -122.78893 49.0164253 -122.78876 49.0162116 -122.78875 49.0160962 -122.78876 49.0159137 -122.78876 49.0158671 -122.78876 49.0155865 -122.78908 49.0024626 -122.79148 49.0023358 -122.79238 49.0022877 -122.79430 49.0021862 -122.79986 49.0018917 -122.80134 49.0018977 -122.80660 49.0019191 -122.80887 49.0019282 -122.80887 49.0023112 -122.80914 49.0219466 -122.80702 49.0213137 -122.80688 49.0212674 -122.80601 49.0209660 -122.80566 49.0208465 -122.80267 49.0198126 -122.80245 49.0197684 -122.80235 49.0197479 -122.80130 49.0195407


  • 4 years old and less [C]
  • % Lone-Family [C]
  • 14 years old and less [C]
  • 65 years old and more [C]
  • 85 years old and more [C]
  • Median Age [C]
  • Average Age [C]
  • Population density per Km2 [C]
  • Divorced [C]
  • Number of household with one person [C]
  • Average number of children at home per census family [C]
  • Common Law [C]
  • Married people [C]
  • Persons per family [C]
  • Religion chrétienne [C]
  • Religion Hindouisme [C]
  • Religion juive [C]
  • Religion musulmane [C]
  • Religion Sans affiliation [C]
  • Overcrowding [C]
  • Population Variation [C]
  • Transport

  • Automobilist [C]
  • Cyclist [C]
  • Late waker [C]
  • Early Birds [C]
  • Walkers [C]
  • Passengers [C]
  • Average Transit Time [C]
  • Duration of commute: 15 min [C]
  • Duration of commute: 1H + [C]
  • Active Transportation [C]
  • Sustainable Transportation [C]
  • Transit Users [C]
  • Economy

  • Prevalence of low income after tax [C]
  • Middle Class [C]
  • In the bottom decile - poorest [C]
  • In the second decile - Income [C]
  • In the third decile - Income [C]
  • In the 4th decile - Income [C]
  • In the 5th decile - Income [C]
  • In the 6th decile - Income [C]
  • In the 7th decile - Income [C]
  • In the 8th top decile - Richest [C]
  • In the 9th top decile - Richest [C]
  • In the top decile - Richest [C]
  • Domestic business potential [C]
  • Diff with Average and Median [C]
  • Household maintainers under 25 [C]
  • Paid Tax [C]
  • Prosperity index [C]
  • Tenents spending more then 30% on rent [C]
  • Individual earning of 125 000$ and more [C]
  • Individual earning of 150 000$ and more [C]
  • Owners spending more then 30% on shelter costs" [C]
  • Live at the same place for more then 5 years [C]
  • Median Income [C]
  • Average Income [C]
  • Average Income of Households [C]
  • Education

  • Bachelor [C]
  • Postgratuated [C]
  • Population with PHD [C]
  • Études effectués hors Canada [C]
  • Mathematics, computer and information sciences [C]
  • Studied in social and behavioural sciences or law [C]
  • Population with university diploma [C]
  • Without diploma [C]
  • Highschool - highest diploma [C]
  • Housing / Real estate

  • Year of income to pay residence [C]
  • Appartement dans un duplex [C]
  • Apartments buildings 5 or more storeys [C]
  • Cost per room [C]
  • Coup par pièce (location - par mois) [C]
  • Difference Cost mortgage - Rent [C]
  • Part of a condominium development [C]
  • Private dwellings per KM2 [C]
  • House built in last 5 years [C]
  • House major repairs needed  (%) [C]
  • Subsidized Housing [C]
  • Maison détachée [C]
  • Row House [C]
  • Semi-detached house [C]
  • Median Multiple [C]
  • Mois loyer pour payer valeur des maisons [C]
  • Counts of private dwellings [C]
  • Average number of rooms per dwelling [C]
  • % of rent [C]
  • Prix mensuel des maisons (propriétaire) [C]
  • Average monthly shelter costs for rented dwellings [C]
  • Owner households with a mortgage, [C]
  • Dwelling built before 1960 [C]
  • Dwelling built between 1961 and 1980 [C]
  • Dwelling built between 1981 and 1990 [C]
  • Residential occupancy rate [C]
  • Median Residence Value [C]
  • Residence Average Value [C]
  • Valeur résidence - Diff moyenne et médiane [C]
  • Residential value Km2 [C]
  • Language

  • Allophone [C]
  • English as Work Language [C]
  • English as Mother Tongue [C]
  • Bilingual (English / French) [C]
  • French as Mother Tongue [C]
  • French / English as Work Language [C]
  • French spoken at home (one lang only) [C]
  • French as Work Language [C]
  • Arabic speaker [C]
  • Locuteur espagnol [C]
  • Locuteur Tagalog [C]
  • Locuteur Yiddish [C]
  • Social

  • Gentrification factor [C]
  • Work

  • Artist [C]
  • Participation rate [C]
  • Inactive population [C]
  • Unemployement Rate [C]
  • Work from Home [C]
  • Work in the same city [C]
  • Work in another census division [C]
  • Work in another province [C]
  • Part Time Work [C]
  • Work outside Canada [C]
  • Self-employed worker [C]
  • Immigration

  • Migrants [C]
  • Immigrant - Last 5 years [C]
  • Migrants - more then 35 years ago [C]
  • Interprovincial Immigration [C]
  • Immigrant - intra provinciale - 5 ans [C]
  • Immigrant - intra provinciale - 5 ans [C]
  • Immigrant from Haiti [C]
  • Immigrant from India [C]
  • Immigrant from Italy [C]
  • Immigrant from China [C]
  • Immigrant from France [C]
  • Immigrant from Greece [C]
  • Immigrants from United States [C]
  • Immigrants from Philippines [C]
  • Immigrants from Lebano [C]
  • Immigrant from Mexico [C]
  • Immigrants from Pakistan [C]
  • Immigrant from Portugal [C]
  • Immigrant from Viet Nam [C]

  • Share


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