12.72 Population in the 8th decile - the richest - City of Pitt Meadows - CMA of Vancouver

Vancouver   CMA
Min:    -  Max: 

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Data source:

Statistic Canada - National Household Survey (NHS) 2016

About this indicator

Economic family after-tax income decile group - The economic family income decile group provides a rough ranking of the economic situation of a person based on his or her relative position in the Canadian distribution of the adjusted after-tax income of economic families for all persons in private households.

Using data from the 2016 Census of Population, the population in private households is sorted according to its adjusted after-tax family income and then divided into 10 equal groups each containing 10% of the population. The decile cut-points are the levels of adjusted after-tax family income that define the 10 groups.

- City of Pitt Meadows, note on geographic borders: because districts shapes are a based on Statistic Canada Census Tract, they may differ from officials limits.

* This position is relative to all census tract from Great Vancouver Québec - Canada


  • 933041004
  • 933041002
  • 933041005
  • 933041006
  • 933040306
  • 9330410.05,-122.66682 49.2221727 -122.66556 49.2216546 -122.66451 49.2212492 -122.66684 49.2212638 -122.66895 49.2212770 -122.66897 49.2207892 -122.66900 49.2202658 -122.66904 49.2194536 -122.66906 49.2189283 -122.66908 49.2185617 -122.66909 49.2184027 -122.66910 49.2182028 -122.66911 49.2180131 -122.66912 49.2179207 -122.66913 49.2177802 -122.66912 49.2172014 -122.66942 49.2172361 -122.67153 49.2172300 -122.67236 49.2172261 -122.67318 49.2172239 -122.67359 49.2172227 -122.67391 49.2172218 -122.67417 49.2172211 -122.67507 49.2172186 -122.67631 49.2172201 -122.67648 49.2172207 -122.67826 49.2172070 -122.68082 49.2171843 -122.68379 49.2171854 -122.68715 49.2171654 -122.68959 49.2171421 -122.68959 49.2173583 -122.68955 49.2174507 -122.68954 49.2181471 -122.68954 49.2190346 -122.68953 49.2205163 -122.68952 49.2208546 -122.68952 49.2210613 -122.68954 49.2216790 -122.68954 49.2224152 -122.68953 49.2228246 -122.68953 49.2229416 -122.68952 49.2236971 -122.68952 49.2239753 -122.68951 49.2245877 -122.68950 49.2256668 -122.68950 49.2261167 -122.68950 49.2261767 -122.68949 49.2263596 -122.68949 49.2265828 -122.68949 49.2266578 -122.68949 49.2268770 -122.68948 49.2274430 -122.68948 49.2280519 -122.68946 49.2296462 -122.68947 49.2308243 -122.68953 49.2308953 -122.68952 49.2310175 -122.68951 49.2311732 -122.68690 49.2301292 -122.68588 49.2297203 -122.68265 49.2284250 -122.68159 49.2280162 -122.68155 49.2280031 -122.67611 49.2259043 -122.67620 49.2258224 -122.67299 49.2245747 -122.67010 49.2233589 -122.66925 49.2230363 -122.66909 49.2229755 -122.66682 49.22217279330410.06,-122.67043 49.2083089 -122.67045 49.2082339 -122.67046 49.2081604 -122.67049 49.2081220 -122.67059 49.2079646 -122.67089 49.2075141 -122.67096 49.2074036 -122.67094 49.2072204 -122.67121 49.2068246 -122.67163 49.2060138 -122.67171 49.2058537 -122.67175 49.2057858 -122.67832 49.2055831 -122.67831 49.2052976 -122.67829 49.2046319 -122.67825 49.2032287 -122.67824 49.2027921 -122.67824 49.2020280 -122.67825 49.2003147 -122.67806 49.2002880 -122.67811 49.2002107 -122.67744 49.2001048 -122.67631 49.2000206 -122.67430 49.1999980 -122.67307 49.1998643 -122.67269 49.1998227 -122.67262 49.1998064 -122.67205 49.1996760 -122.67048 49.1995635 -122.66949 49.1997375 -122.66946 49.1997416 -122.66946 49.1997341 -122.66942 49.1997233 -122.66892 49.1997133 -122.66891 49.1997132 -122.66818 49.1997310 -122.66816 49.1994649 -122.66792 49.1962264 -122.67015 49.1964251 -122.67020 49.1964289 -122.67036 49.1964438 -122.67096 49.1964972 -122.67436 49.1970298 -122.67470 49.1970826 -122.67913 49.1980871 -122.68019 49.1983271 -122.68230 49.1988044 -122.68451 49.1993059 -122.68551 49.1995335 -122.68615 49.1996780 -122.68648 49.1997530 -122.68665 49.1998063 -122.68666 49.1998095 -122.68774 49.2001465 -122.68784 49.2001801 -122.68979 49.2007912 -122.69037 49.2009712 -122.68964 49.2034033 -122.68964 49.2034117 -122.68971 49.2042104 -122.68971 49.2080992 -122.68970 49.2128647 -122.68970 49.2132452 -122.68969 49.2134663 -122.68959 49.2143274 -122.68959 49.2149000 -122.68959 49.2150799 -122.68959 49.2152058 -122.68959 49.2157275 -122.68959 49.2171421 -122.68715 49.2171654 -122.68379 49.2171854 -122.68082 49.2171843 -122.67826 49.2172070 -122.67648 49.2172207 -122.67631 49.2172201 -122.67507 49.2172186 -122.67417 49.2172211 -122.67391 49.2172218 -122.67359 49.2172227 -122.67318 49.2172239 -122.67236 49.2172261 -122.67153 49.2172300 -122.66942 49.2172361 -122.66912 49.2172014 -122.66924 49.2169543 -122.66923 49.2168843 -122.66921 49.2165339 -122.66921 49.2164448 -122.66905 49.2131495 -122.66896 49.2129269 -122.66879 49.2124987 -122.66874 49.2123831 -122.66871 49.2123111 -122.66870 49.2122957 -122.66871 49.2122615 -122.66872 49.2120971 -122.66875 49.2117427 -122.66878 49.2115387 -122.66880 49.2113344 -122.66896 49.2106231 -122.66920 49.2095723 -122.67037 49.2086120 -122.67039 49.2085282 -122.67043 49.20830899330403.06,-122.66946 49.2012561 -122.66951 49.2007051 -122.66954 49.2007043 -122.66954 49.2007022 -122.66964 49.2005234 -122.66955 49.2001225 -122.66955 49.2001136 -122.66946 49.1997436 -122.66946 49.1997416 -122.66949 49.1997375 -122.67048 49.1995635 -122.67205 49.1996760 -122.67262 49.1998064 -122.67269 49.1998227 -122.67307 49.1998643 -122.67430 49.1999980 -122.67631 49.2000206 -122.67744 49.2001048 -122.67811 49.2002107 -122.67806 49.2002880 -122.67825 49.2003147 -122.67824 49.2020280 -122.67824 49.2027921 -122.67825 49.2032287 -122.67829 49.2046319 -122.67831 49.2052976 -122.67832 49.2055831 -122.67175 49.2057858 -122.67171 49.2057878 -122.66904 49.2059432 -122.66946 49.20125619330410.02,-122.68947 49.2612434 -122.68952 49.2601460 -122.68963 49.2577086 -122.68966 49.2572500 -122.68966 49.2557952 -122.68963 49.2525451 -122.68959 49.2498257 -122.68952 49.2441274 -122.68950 49.2422859 -122.68954 49.2396100 -122.68954 49.2392672 -122.68954 49.2390610 -122.68954 49.2389620 -122.68954 49.2389171 -122.68954 49.2387371 -122.68952 49.2332768 -122.68952 49.2327640 -122.68952 49.2326618 -122.68951 49.2313904 -122.68951 49.2311732 -122.68952 49.2310175 -122.68953 49.2308953 -122.68947 49.2308243 -122.68946 49.2296462 -122.68948 49.2280519 -122.68948 49.2274430 -122.68949 49.2268770 -122.68949 49.2266578 -122.68949 49.2265828 -122.68949 49.2263596 -122.68950 49.2261767 -122.68950 49.2261167 -122.68950 49.2256668 -122.68951 49.2245877 -122.68952 49.2239753 -122.68952 49.2236971 -122.68953 49.2229416 -122.68953 49.2228246 -122.68954 49.2224152 -122.68954 49.2216790 -122.68952 49.2210613 -122.68952 49.2208546 -122.68953 49.2205163 -122.68954 49.2190346 -122.68954 49.2181471 -122.68955 49.2174507 -122.68959 49.2173583 -122.68959 49.2171421 -122.68959 49.2157275 -122.68959 49.2152058 -122.68959 49.2150799 -122.68959 49.2149000 -122.68959 49.2143274 -122.68969 49.2134663 -122.68970 49.2132452 -122.68970 49.2128647 -122.68971 49.2080992 -122.68971 49.2042104 -122.68964 49.2034117 -122.68964 49.2034033 -122.69037 49.2009712 -122.69237 49.2015987 -122.69351 49.2020071 -122.69380 49.2021095 -122.69388 49.2021380 -122.69693 49.2032366 -122.69840 49.2037637 -122.69841 49.2037649 -122.70036 49.2044661 -122.70169 49.2049428 -122.70201 49.2050594 -122.70452 49.2059599 -122.70554 49.2063255 -122.70556 49.2063323 -122.70602 49.2064969 -122.70758 49.2070548 -122.71024 49.2081173 -122.71330 49.2090759 -122.71585 49.2095771 -122.71890 49.2100714 -122.72028 49.2101918 -122.72723 49.2107982 -122.72834 49.2108953 -122.72874 49.2109298 -122.72989 49.2110303 -122.73066 49.2110979 -122.73189 49.2112460 -122.73197 49.2112563 -122.73299 49.2115938 -122.73703 49.2129622 -122.73760 49.2131537 -122.73763 49.2131639 -122.73808 49.2133156 -122.74110 49.2141451 -122.74115 49.2141589 -122.74437 49.2147012 -122.74504 49.2147938 -122.74747 49.2151344 -122.74747 49.2151350 -122.74793 49.2151983 -122.74912 49.2153652 -122.75060 49.2155716 -122.75139 49.2157717 -122.75192 49.2159057 -122.75290 49.2161530 -122.75426 49.2168199 -122.75459 49.2170920 -122.75516 49.2175582 -122.75516 49.2175617 -122.75529 49.2176646 -122.75603 49.2182777 -122.76018 49.2227027 -122.76032 49.2228312 -122.76342 49.2257817 -122.76389 49.2261403 -122.76408 49.2262815 -122.76422 49.2263833 -122.76433 49.2264671 -122.76559 49.2269108 -122.76812 49.2273327 -122.76804 49.2277828 -122.76799 49.2280144 -122.76794 49.2282944 -122.76793 49.2283123 -122.76786 49.2287029 -122.76762 49.2295069 -122.76738 49.2303192 -122.76685 49.2308037 -122.76647 49.2311507 -122.76628 49.2312718 -122.76592 49.2315015 -122.76572 49.2316238 -122.76571 49.2316319 -122.76518 49.2319651 -122.76293 49.2333858 -122.76293 49.2333880 -122.76276 49.2334986 -122.76275 49.2335052 -122.76221 49.2338370 -122.76218 49.2338576 -122.76142 49.2343359 -122.76094 49.2346351 -122.76024 49.2350728 -122.75993 49.2352672 -122.75929 49.2356646 -122.75912 49.2357763 -122.75818 49.2366310 -122.75802 49.2367857 -122.75711 49.2374229 -122.75635 49.2378604 -122.75618 49.2379588 -122.75315 49.2391042 -122.75254 49.2392719 -122.74751 49.2406545 -122.74434 49.2415834 -122.74264 49.2420818 -122.73990 49.2428873 -122.73773 49.2435232 -122.73725 49.2437049 -122.73634 49.2440524 -122.73626 49.2440823 -122.73494 49.2445870 -122.73399 49.2451103 -122.73278 49.2457807 -122.73204 49.2462602 -122.73137 49.2466921 -122.73117 49.2468215 -122.73057 49.2472129 -122.73019 49.2474570 -122.72947 49.2479241 -122.72933 49.2480128 -122.72903 49.2482092 -122.72896 49.2482509 -122.72858 49.2484980 -122.72828 49.2487007 -122.72665 49.2497731 -122.72563 49.2504409 -122.72347 49.2518645 -122.72193 49.2531067 -122.72020 49.2548461 -122.71846 49.2566031 -122.71602 49.2608619 -122.71591 49.2610621 -122.71356 49.2651636 -122.71253 49.2664489 -122.71040 49.2690866 -122.70720 49.2730490 -122.70585 49.2747108 -122.70489 49.2758924 -122.70449 49.2763894 -122.70356 49.2773568 -122.70284 49.2781096 -122.70262 49.2783340 -122.70222 49.2786945 -122.70181 49.2790586 -122.69965 49.2808659 -122.69899 49.2813073 -122.69896 49.2813224 -122.69764 49.2822019 -122.69543 49.2832254 -122.69514 49.2833554 -122.69408 49.2837920 -122.69299 49.2842371 -122.69151 49.2847534 -122.68949 49.2811628 -122.68948 49.2811443 -122.68934 49.2807378 -122.68933 49.2785012 -122.68930 49.2731594 -122.68930 49.2713275 -122.68929 49.2694822 -122.68929 49.2694730 -122.68928 49.2676845 -122.68927 49.2650205 -122.68926 49.2649395 -122.68926 49.2648512 -122.68927 49.2647783 -122.68928 49.2645659 -122.68930 49.2643649 -122.68931 49.2641131 -122.68932 49.2639601 -122.68933 49.2638739 -122.68936 49.2633722 -122.68947 49.26124349330410.04,-122.60948 49.3510071 -122.60781 49.3513506 -122.60565 49.3521990 -122.60564 49.3522023 -122.60546 49.3522728 -122.60329 49.3531252 -122.57922 49.3522373 -122.57539 49.3524317 -122.57915 49.3498071 -122.58158 49.3481121 -122.59303 49.3385782 -122.59324 49.3381755 -122.59328 49.3283315 -122.59568 49.3283025 -122.59577 49.3263293 -122.59771 49.3263127 -122.59783 49.3247623 -122.60054 49.3247535 -122.60090 49.2991909 -122.60114 49.2933154 -122.60118 49.2908951 -122.60100 49.2779606 -122.60103 49.2772213 -122.60104 49.2766981 -122.60116 49.2729538 -122.60117 49.2705509 -122.61227 49.2701683 -122.61146 49.2657839 -122.61170 49.2642816 -122.60907 49.2642482 -122.60904 49.2642445 -122.60776 49.2642143 -122.60711 49.2641417 -122.60544 49.2641973 -122.60497 49.2641908 -122.60336 49.2641687 -122.60258 49.2641579 -122.60188 49.2641484 -122.60147 49.2642091 -122.60122 49.2641887 -122.60121 49.2640305 -122.60120 49.2638865 -122.60059 49.2571110 -122.61879 49.2568438 -122.61925 49.2568398 -122.61970 49.2568332 -122.62098 49.2568301 -122.62192 49.2568279 -122.62243 49.2568266 -122.62226 49.2501074 -122.62226 49.2498391 -122.62640 49.2497508 -122.62731 49.2497315 -122.62821 49.2497122 -122.63131 49.2496462 -122.64358 49.2493833 -122.64474 49.2493607 -122.64474 49.2491873 -122.64475 49.2490103 -122.64475 49.2489980 -122.64475 49.2489652 -122.64475 49.2487098 -122.64475 49.2485929 -122.64475 49.2481971 -122.64475 49.2479832 -122.64475 49.2474415 -122.64476 49.2454356 -122.64476 49.2439513 -122.64476 49.2433037 -122.64477 49.2429978 -122.64477 49.2422649 -122.65502 49.2422677 -122.65585 49.2422679 -122.65618 49.2387250 -122.65623 49.2381228 -122.65630 49.2373090 -122.65651 49.2350286 -122.65654 49.2346869 -122.65660 49.2339945 -122.65669 49.2329825 -122.65670 49.2327438 -122.65672 49.2323823 -122.65673 49.2320999 -122.66301 49.2320039 -122.66440 49.2319826 -122.66446 49.2312377 -122.66462 49.2291573 -122.66465 49.2288865 -122.66477 49.2277598 -122.66508 49.2262810 -122.66520 49.2253802 -122.66527 49.2249418 -122.66542 49.2242008 -122.66555 49.2234161 -122.66572 49.2223324 -122.66570 49.2223053 -122.66416 49.2212471 -122.66451 49.2212492 -122.66556 49.2216546 -122.66682 49.2221727 -122.66909 49.2229755 -122.66925 49.2230363 -122.67010 49.2233589 -122.67299 49.2245747 -122.67620 49.2258224 -122.67611 49.2259043 -122.68155 49.2280031 -122.68159 49.2280162 -122.68265 49.2284250 -122.68588 49.2297203 -122.68690 49.2301292 -122.68951 49.2311732 -122.68951 49.2313904 -122.68952 49.2326618 -122.68952 49.2327640 -122.68952 49.2332768 -122.68954 49.2387371 -122.68954 49.2389171 -122.68954 49.2389620 -122.68954 49.2390610 -122.68954 49.2392672 -122.68954 49.2396100 -122.68950 49.2422859 -122.68952 49.2441274 -122.68959 49.2498257 -122.68963 49.2525451 -122.68966 49.2557952 -122.68966 49.2572500 -122.68963 49.2577086 -122.68952 49.2601460 -122.68947 49.2612434 -122.68936 49.2633722 -122.68933 49.2638739 -122.68932 49.2639601 -122.68931 49.2641131 -122.68930 49.2643649 -122.68928 49.2645659 -122.68927 49.2647783 -122.68926 49.2648512 -122.68926 49.2649395 -122.68927 49.2650205 -122.68928 49.2676845 -122.68929 49.2694730 -122.68929 49.2694822 -122.68930 49.2713275 -122.68930 49.2731594 -122.68933 49.2785012 -122.68934 49.2807378 -122.68948 49.2811443 -122.68949 49.2811628 -122.69151 49.2847534 -122.68873 49.2857244 -122.68871 49.2857296 -122.68744 49.2861739 -122.68640 49.2864404 -122.68535 49.2867094 -122.67167 49.2893593 -122.67076 49.2895365 -122.66560 49.2907568 -122.66342 49.2914051 -122.66165 49.2920763 -122.66049 49.2926270 -122.65920 49.2937109 -122.65897 49.2944517 -122.65899 49.2952593 -122.65961 49.2971904 -122.66010 49.2979813 -122.66112 49.2986187 -122.66227 49.2989904 -122.66591 49.2995738 -122.66762 49.2999312 -122.66960 49.3006295 -122.67130 49.3014442 -122.67140 49.3014884 -122.67326 49.3025053 -122.67447 49.3034671 -122.67626 49.3051013 -122.67748 49.3071151 -122.67799 49.3084972 -122.67821 49.3101607 -122.67817 49.3114216 -122.67804 49.3124123 -122.67787 49.3127180 -122.67670 49.3136882 -122.67644 49.3140259 -122.67644 49.3140276 -122.67607 49.3156442 -122.67558 49.3166335 -122.67522 49.3170263 -122.67282 49.3184773 -122.66870 49.3209689 -122.66709 49.3225738 -122.66547 49.3241949 -122.66442 49.3254840 -122.66336 49.3267861 -122.66259 49.3275410 -122.66181 49.3283035 -122.66055 49.3289426 -122.65927 49.3295881 -122.65866 49.3298417 -122.65732 49.3306477 -122.65616 49.3315606 -122.65529 49.3326145 -122.65445 49.3333779 -122.65179 49.3349836 -122.65178 49.3349913 -122.64513 49.3376251 -122.64347 49.3380281 -122.64173 49.3383400 -122.63941 49.3390777 -122.63856 49.3395647 -122.63641 49.3415672 -122.63538 49.3421927 -122.62881 49.3461631 -122.62471 49.3484914 -122.62469 49.3485044 -122.62188 49.3501039 -122.62058 49.3508431 -122.61935 49.3511826 -122.61932 49.3511888 -122.61818 49.3512732 -122.61801 49.3512857 -122.61771 49.3512679 -122.61666 49.3512062 -122.61622 49.3510942 -122.61452 49.3506536 -122.61410 49.3506520 -122.61348 49.3506496 -122.61266 49.3506465 -122.61003 49.3508939 -122.60948 49.3510071


  • 4 years old and less
  • % Lone-Family
  • 14 years old and less
  • 65 years old and more
  • 85 years old and more
  • Median Age
  • Average Age
  • Population density per Km2
  • Divorced
  • Number of household with one person
  • Average number of children at home per census family
  • Common Law
  • Married people
  • Persons per family
  • Religion chrétienne
  • Religion Hindouisme
  • Religion juive
  • Religion musulmane
  • Religion Sans affiliation
  • Overcrowding
  • Population Variation
  • Transport

  • Automobilist
  • Cyclist
  • Late waker
  • Early Birds
  • Walkers
  • Passengers
  • Average Transit Time
  • Duration of commute: 15 min
  • Duration of commute: 1H +
  • Active Transportation
  • Sustainable Transportation
  • Transit Users
  • Economy

  • Prevalence of low income after tax
  • Middle Class
  • In the bottom decile - poorest
  • In the second decile - Income
  • In the third decile - Income
  • In the 4th decile - Income
  • In the 5th decile - Income
  • In the 6th decile - Income
  • In the 7th decile - Income
  • In the 8th top decile - Richest
  • In the 9th top decile - Richest
  • In the top decile - Richest
  • Domestic business potential
  • Diff with Average and Median
  • Household maintainers under 25
  • Paid Tax
  • Prosperity index
  • Tenents spending more then 30% on rent
  • Individual earning of 125 000$ and more
  • Individual earning of 150 000$ and more
  • Owners spending more then 30% on shelter costs"
  • Live at the same place for more then 5 years
  • Median Income
  • Average Income
  • Average Income of Households
  • Education

  • Bachelor
  • Postgratuated
  • Population with PHD
  • Études effectués hors Canada
  • Mathematics, computer and information sciences
  • Studied in social and behavioural sciences or law
  • Population with university diploma
  • Without diploma
  • Highschool - highest diploma
  • Housing / Real estate

  • Year of income to pay residence
  • Appartement dans un duplex
  • Apartments buildings 5 or more storeys
  • Cost per room
  • Coup par pièce (location - par mois)
  • Difference Cost mortgage - Rent
  • Part of a condominium development
  • Private dwellings per KM2
  • House built in last 5 years
  • House major repairs needed  (%)
  • Subsidized Housing
  • Maison détachée
  • Row House
  • Semi-detached house
  • Median Multiple
  • Mois loyer pour payer valeur des maisons
  • Counts of private dwellings
  • Average number of rooms per dwelling
  • % of rent
  • Prix mensuel des maisons (propriétaire)
  • Average monthly shelter costs for rented dwellings
  • Owner households with a mortgage,
  • Dwelling built before 1960
  • Dwelling built between 1961 and 1980
  • Dwelling built between 1981 and 1990
  • Residential occupancy rate
  • Median Residence Value
  • Residence Average Value
  • Valeur résidence - Diff moyenne et médiane
  • Residential value Km2
  • Language

  • Allophone
  • English as Work Language
  • English as Mother Tongue
  • Bilingual (English / French)
  • French as Mother Tongue
  • French / English as Work Language
  • French spoken at home (one lang only)
  • French as Work Language
  • Arabic speaker
  • Locuteur espagnol
  • Locuteur Tagalog
  • Locuteur Yiddish
  • Social

  • Gentrification factor
  • Work

  • Artist
  • Participation rate
  • Inactive population
  • Unemployement Rate
  • Work from Home
  • Work in the same city
  • Work in another census division
  • Work in another province
  • Part Time Work
  • Work outside Canada
  • Self-employed worker
  • Immigration

  • Migrants
  • Immigrant - Last 5 years
  • Migrants - more then 35 years ago
  • Interprovincial Immigration
  • Immigrant - intra provinciale - 5 ans
  • Immigrant - intra provinciale - 5 ans
  • Immigrant from Haiti
  • Immigrant from India
  • Immigrant from Italy
  • Immigrant from China
  • Immigrant from France
  • Immigrant from Greece
  • Immigrants from United States
  • Immigrants from Philippines
  • Immigrants from Lebano
  • Immigrant from Mexico
  • Immigrants from Pakistan
  • Immigrant from Portugal
  • Immigrant from Viet Nam

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    64 Cities

    143 indicators

    371 districts and neighborhood

    8 Census Metropolitan Areas

    159 139 maps