House major repairs needed  (%) - Secteur St. Charles | 2011 and 2016 - CMA of Winnipeg

Winnipeg   CMA
Min:    -  Max: 

Compare with

Data source:

Statistic Canada - National Household Survey (NHS) 2016

About this indicator

This category includes dwellings needing major repairs such as dwellings with defective plumbing or electrical wiring and dwellings needing structural repairs to walls, floors or ceilings.

- Secteur St. Charles, note on geographic borders: because districts shapes are a based on Statistic Canada Census Tract, they may differ from officials limits.

* This position is relative to all census tract from Great Winnipeg Québec - Canada

** This percentage is a relative variation - Exemple: from 5% to 10% would give 100%

6020538.00,-97.308164 49.8734054 -97.308231 49.8726867 -97.308415 49.8709984 -97.308469 49.8702526 -97.308460 49.8701176 -97.308700 49.8676204 -97.308404 49.8666869 -97.308336 49.8662680 -97.308673 49.8662791 -97.311402 49.8665083 -97.311972 49.8672856 -97.312307 49.8694399 -97.314273 49.8711231 -97.316335 49.8724203 -97.317889 49.8726670 -97.319608 49.8725160 -97.320339 49.8724517 -97.322013 49.8715656 -97.324746 49.8692408 -97.325656 49.8689785 -97.325834 49.8695099 -97.325932 49.8700253 -97.326199 49.8711192 -97.326222 49.8715419 -97.326193 49.8724060 -97.326113 49.8733686 -97.326012 49.8746607 -97.325663 49.8779646 -97.325471 49.8799782 -97.325438 49.8803311 -97.325421 49.8805744 -97.324931 49.8806203 -97.324564 49.8806651 -97.322592 49.8809252 -97.321556 49.8810350 -97.321368 49.8810609 -97.321154 49.8810900 -97.320910 49.8811115 -97.320085 49.8812104 -97.319303 49.8813006 -97.318101 49.8814415 -97.316732 49.8816020 -97.315243 49.8817782 -97.314230 49.8818949 -97.312602 49.8820944 -97.310799 49.8822998 -97.309756 49.8824205 -97.308511 49.8825762 -97.307392 49.8826930 -97.307178 49.8827191 -97.307186 49.8826648 -97.307467 49.8802044 -97.307618 49.8786773 -97.307699 49.8779590 -97.307768 49.8771864 -97.307848 49.8764679 -97.307932 49.8756776 -97.308016 49.8748693 -97.308082 49.8741597 -97.308164 49.87340546020540.01,-97.289036 49.8936330 -97.288923 49.8932895 -97.288916 49.8932859 -97.288958 49.8932644 -97.289378 49.8930810 -97.289402 49.8930745 -97.289700 49.8930012 -97.289932 49.8929420 -97.290035 49.8929197 -97.290479 49.8928669 -97.290683 49.8928567 -97.290851 49.8928662 -97.292528 49.8929297 -97.293835 49.8929743 -97.295551 49.8930562 -97.297108 49.8931117 -97.297148 49.8931112 -97.297465 49.8930838 -97.299493 49.8928304 -97.300955 49.8926340 -97.304143 49.8922215 -97.306315 49.8919588 -97.305958 49.8944889 -97.305846 49.8959043 -97.305785 49.8996267 -97.305749 49.8998999 -97.303188 49.9000744 -97.297271 49.9004800 -97.297163 49.9003618 -97.296706 49.9000243 -97.296247 49.8995949 -97.295984 49.8992856 -97.295712 49.8989663 -97.295317 49.8987356 -97.294834 49.8986026 -97.293906 49.8980762 -97.293388 49.8977448 -97.292820 49.8971660 -97.292662 49.8970055 -97.292425 49.8966243 -97.292074 49.8963223 -97.290907 49.8954506 -97.290634 49.8952936 -97.290387 49.8952000 -97.290086 49.8950337 -97.289761 49.8947950 -97.289450 49.8945116 -97.289210 49.8942112 -97.289054 49.8939121 -97.289036 49.89363306020540.02,-97.293014 49.8882316 -97.293471 49.8835521 -97.293557 49.8825389 -97.293612 49.8818937 -97.293634 49.8818077 -97.294911 49.8820156 -97.297254 49.8823861 -97.298857 49.8826353 -97.300576 49.8828846 -97.302143 49.8830017 -97.303464 49.8830148 -97.304663 49.8829784 -97.305940 49.8828675 -97.307178 49.8827191 -97.306952 49.8862586 -97.306315 49.8919588 -97.304143 49.8922215 -97.300955 49.8926340 -97.299493 49.8928304 -97.297465 49.8930838 -97.297148 49.8931112 -97.297108 49.8931117 -97.295551 49.8930562 -97.293835 49.8929743 -97.292528 49.8929297 -97.292530 49.8928750 -97.293014 49.88823166020540.03,-97.278895 49.8814723 -97.278952 49.8805193 -97.279023 49.8805250 -97.279688 49.8812346 -97.280027 49.8814914 -97.280386 49.8815867 -97.280559 49.8815803 -97.280734 49.8815739 -97.281026 49.8815962 -97.281315 49.8816904 -97.281614 49.8818191 -97.281836 49.8819140 -97.282435 49.8822737 -97.282731 49.8825839 -97.282769 49.8826924 -97.283068 49.8828768 -97.283070 49.8828808 -97.283170 49.8831481 -97.283135 49.8833365 -97.283136 49.8837143 -97.283265 49.8840040 -97.283639 49.8844593 -97.283602 49.8846927 -97.283479 49.8850416 -97.283570 49.8852049 -97.283746 49.8853424 -97.284621 49.8857961 -97.284866 49.8859527 -97.285149 49.8862267 -97.285610 49.8865843 -97.285965 49.8867785 -97.286185 49.8868537 -97.286360 49.8870092 -97.286605 49.8871657 -97.286934 49.8873145 -97.287027 49.8874598 -97.286937 49.8876204 -97.286870 49.8879432 -97.286979 49.8880168 -97.286920 49.8881148 -97.286906 49.8882054 -97.286866 49.8884558 -97.287034 49.8892049 -97.287405 49.8901458 -97.287831 49.8910876 -97.288140 49.8922110 -97.288226 49.8925236 -97.288584 49.8930326 -97.288916 49.8932859 -97.288923 49.8932895 -97.289036 49.8936330 -97.289054 49.8939121 -97.289210 49.8942112 -97.289450 49.8945116 -97.289761 49.8947950 -97.290086 49.8950337 -97.290387 49.8952000 -97.290634 49.8952936 -97.290907 49.8954506 -97.292074 49.8963223 -97.292425 49.8966243 -97.292662 49.8970055 -97.292820 49.8971660 -97.293388 49.8977448 -97.293906 49.8980762 -97.294834 49.8986026 -97.295317 49.8987356 -97.295712 49.8989663 -97.295984 49.8992856 -97.296247 49.8995949 -97.296706 49.9000243 -97.297163 49.9003618 -97.297271 49.9004800 -97.293677 49.9007262 -97.282907 49.9014632 -97.280198 49.9016484 -97.276951 49.9018674 -97.276974 49.9017117 -97.277159 49.9000593 -97.277246 49.8994772 -97.277276 49.8993325 -97.277677 49.8951018 -97.277699 49.8949019 -97.277825 49.8940877 -97.278061 49.8913567 -97.278153 49.8903595 -97.278203 49.8897128 -97.278299 49.8885898 -97.278342 49.8879271 -97.278470 49.8862896 -97.278602 49.8847624 -97.278694 49.8837433 -97.278770 49.8828232 -97.278806 49.8825695 -97.278895 49.88147236020537.01,-97.277674 49.8611889 -97.280436 49.8590700 -97.280759 49.8590651 -97.283227 49.8590271 -97.285931 49.8601783 -97.287375 49.8623823 -97.288742 49.8632584 -97.289894 49.8633735 -97.289720 49.8639689 -97.289683 49.8640962 -97.289734 49.8653090 -97.289734 49.8653119 -97.290263 49.8654085 -97.290700 49.8654405 -97.291631 49.8654902 -97.291562 49.8662447 -97.291479 49.8670260 -97.291365 49.8678789 -97.291269 49.8686511 -97.291184 49.8694774 -97.291270 49.8697844 -97.291561 49.8702204 -97.292172 49.8710391 -97.292334 49.8712613 -97.292517 49.8714933 -97.292702 49.8717359 -97.292750 49.8718139 -97.293215 49.8724131 -97.293896 49.8732992 -97.293837 49.8744457 -97.293747 49.8752629 -97.293670 49.8759997 -97.293610 49.8766947 -97.293531 49.8774920 -97.293458 49.8782179 -97.293411 49.8786259 -97.293379 49.8789938 -97.293312 49.8796769 -97.293297 49.8798571 -97.293296 49.8798661 -97.293138 49.8817209 -97.291848 49.8815135 -97.291199 49.8814178 -97.289962 49.8812163 -97.289481 49.8811353 -97.288402 49.8809967 -97.286833 49.8807347 -97.285463 49.8805291 -97.285026 49.8804647 -97.284143 49.8803259 -97.282755 49.8801076 -97.282484 49.8800654 -97.281017 49.8798373 -97.280644 49.8797768 -97.280571 49.8797590 -97.279968 49.8796569 -97.279783 49.8796234 -97.279022 49.8794614 -97.279543 49.8755860 -97.279844 49.8699981 -97.279652 49.8698821 -97.279108 49.8695520 -97.279120 49.8695464 -97.279985 49.8673577 -97.278684 49.8643844 -97.277674 49.86118896020537.02,-97.298814 49.8721351 -97.294687 49.8719665 -97.294308 49.8720600 -97.293215 49.8724131 -97.292750 49.8718139 -97.292702 49.8717359 -97.292517 49.8714933 -97.292334 49.8712613 -97.292172 49.8710391 -97.291561 49.8702204 -97.291270 49.8697844 -97.291184 49.8694774 -97.291269 49.8686511 -97.291365 49.8678789 -97.291479 49.8670260 -97.291562 49.8662447 -97.291631 49.8654902 -97.290700 49.8654405 -97.290263 49.8654085 -97.289734 49.8653119 -97.289734 49.8653090 -97.289683 49.8640962 -97.289720 49.8639689 -97.289894 49.8633735 -97.290582 49.8634422 -97.291582 49.8637676 -97.292837 49.8637934 -97.297727 49.8638560 -97.300670 49.8645968 -97.300723 49.8646101 -97.302609 49.8653304 -97.302929 49.8654083 -97.306159 49.8661963 -97.308336 49.8662680 -97.308404 49.8666869 -97.308700 49.8676204 -97.308460 49.8701176 -97.308469 49.8702526 -97.308415 49.8709984 -97.308231 49.8726867 -97.308164 49.8734054 -97.308082 49.8741597 -97.308016 49.8748693 -97.307932 49.8756776 -97.305472 49.8755697 -97.303082 49.8754539 -97.303137 49.8746632 -97.303206 49.8738906 -97.303274 49.8731629 -97.303345 49.8723274 -97.301760 49.8722593 -97.299981 49.8721883 -97.298814 49.87213516020537.03,-97.294308 49.8720600 -97.294687 49.8719665 -97.298814 49.8721351 -97.299981 49.8721883 -97.301760 49.8722593 -97.303345 49.8723274 -97.303274 49.8731629 -97.303206 49.8738906 -97.303137 49.8746632 -97.303082 49.8754539 -97.305472 49.8755697 -97.307932 49.8756776 -97.307848 49.8764679 -97.307768 49.8771864 -97.307699 49.8779590 -97.307618 49.8786773 -97.307467 49.8802044 -97.307186 49.8826648 -97.307178 49.8827191 -97.305940 49.8828675 -97.304663 49.8829784 -97.303464 49.8830148 -97.302143 49.8830017 -97.300576 49.8828846 -97.298857 49.8826353 -97.297254 49.8823861 -97.294911 49.8820156 -97.293634 49.8818077 -97.293138 49.8817209 -97.293296 49.8798661 -97.293297 49.8798571 -97.293312 49.8796769 -97.293379 49.8789938 -97.293411 49.8786259 -97.293458 49.8782179 -97.293531 49.8774920 -97.293610 49.8766947 -97.293670 49.8759997 -97.293747 49.8752629 -97.293837 49.8744457 -97.293896 49.8732992 -97.293215 49.8724131 -97.294308 49.87206006020540.04,-97.288584 49.8930326 -97.288226 49.8925236 -97.288140 49.8922110 -97.287831 49.8910876 -97.287405 49.8901458 -97.287034 49.8892049 -97.286866 49.8884558 -97.286906 49.8882054 -97.286920 49.8881148 -97.286979 49.8880168 -97.286870 49.8879432 -97.286937 49.8876204 -97.287027 49.8874598 -97.286934 49.8873145 -97.286605 49.8871657 -97.286360 49.8870092 -97.286185 49.8868537 -97.285965 49.8867785 -97.285610 49.8865843 -97.285149 49.8862267 -97.284866 49.8859527 -97.284621 49.8857961 -97.283746 49.8853424 -97.283570 49.8852049 -97.283479 49.8850416 -97.283602 49.8846927 -97.283639 49.8844593 -97.283265 49.8840040 -97.283136 49.8837143 -97.283135 49.8833365 -97.283170 49.8831481 -97.283070 49.8828808 -97.283068 49.8828768 -97.282769 49.8826924 -97.282731 49.8825839 -97.282435 49.8822737 -97.281836 49.8819140 -97.281614 49.8818191 -97.281315 49.8816904 -97.281026 49.8815962 -97.280734 49.8815739 -97.280559 49.8815803 -97.280386 49.8815867 -97.280027 49.8814914 -97.279688 49.8812346 -97.279023 49.8805250 -97.278952 49.8805193 -97.279022 49.8794614 -97.279783 49.8796234 -97.279968 49.8796569 -97.280571 49.8797590 -97.280644 49.8797768 -97.281017 49.8798373 -97.282484 49.8800654 -97.282755 49.8801076 -97.284143 49.8803259 -97.285026 49.8804647 -97.285463 49.8805291 -97.286833 49.8807347 -97.288402 49.8809967 -97.289481 49.8811353 -97.289962 49.8812163 -97.291199 49.8814178 -97.291848 49.8815135 -97.293138 49.8817209 -97.293634 49.8818077 -97.293612 49.8818937 -97.293557 49.8825389 -97.293471 49.8835521 -97.293014 49.8882316 -97.292530 49.8928750 -97.292528 49.8929297 -97.290851 49.8928662 -97.290683 49.8928567 -97.290479 49.8928669 -97.290035 49.8929197 -97.289932 49.8929420 -97.289700 49.8930012 -97.289402 49.8930745 -97.289378 49.8930810 -97.288958 49.8932644 -97.288916 49.8932859 -97.288584 49.89303266020539.01,-97.262442 49.9312202 -97.262670 49.9284341 -97.263025 49.9242178 -97.263699 49.9161995 -97.264093 49.9115130 -97.264319 49.9088267 -97.264816 49.9074040 -97.265859 49.9058814 -97.266739 49.9050401 -97.267926 49.9041763 -97.270335 49.9029980 -97.271603 49.9025941 -97.273288 49.9022145 -97.274646 49.9020278 -97.276951 49.9018674 -97.280198 49.9016484 -97.282907 49.9014632 -97.293677 49.9007262 -97.297271 49.9004800 -97.303188 49.9000744 -97.305749 49.8998999 -97.305785 49.8996267 -97.312037 49.8992321 -97.312765 49.8991439 -97.314509 49.8990253 -97.314970 49.8989960 -97.315021 49.8989926 -97.315062 49.8983991 -97.315253 49.8963580 -97.315262 49.8961398 -97.315508 49.8936878 -97.315651 49.8922467 -97.315720 49.8914949 -97.315984 49.8890174 -97.316217 49.8867451 -97.316439 49.8844052 -97.316732 49.8816020 -97.318101 49.8814415 -97.319303 49.8813006 -97.320085 49.8812104 -97.320910 49.8811115 -97.321154 49.8810900 -97.321368 49.8810609 -97.321556 49.8810350 -97.322592 49.8809252 -97.324564 49.8806651 -97.324931 49.8806203 -97.325421 49.8805744 -97.325438 49.8803311 -97.325471 49.8799782 -97.325663 49.8779646 -97.326012 49.8746607 -97.326113 49.8733686 -97.326193 49.8724060 -97.326222 49.8715419 -97.326199 49.8711192 -97.325932 49.8700253 -97.325834 49.8695099 -97.325656 49.8689785 -97.329795 49.8677228 -97.336427 49.8659260 -97.339268 49.8653394 -97.339396 49.8653043 -97.339316 49.8658076 -97.338871 49.8674592 -97.338844 49.8676905 -97.338846 49.8678960 -97.338782 49.8685951 -97.338575 49.8703722 -97.338379 49.8723354 -97.338047 49.8756817 -97.337756 49.8786008 -97.337767 49.8790866 -97.339826 49.8788385 -97.341147 49.8786793 -97.342364 49.8785324 -97.343810 49.8783583 -97.345806 49.8781175 -97.346555 49.8780274 -97.345169 49.8971441 -97.345074 49.8984399 -97.340542 49.8985286 -97.335563 49.8986459 -97.335341 49.8986337 -97.329885 49.8987570 -97.325489 49.8988335 -97.324515 49.8988195 -97.323567 49.8988598 -97.322258 49.8988409 -97.321729 49.8988332 -97.321727 49.8989106 -97.321024 49.9058107 -97.320979 49.9062482 -97.320669 49.9093148 -97.320455 49.9114795 -97.320322 49.9122815 -97.319393 49.9167891 -97.319011 49.9186649 -97.318888 49.9195100 -97.318866 49.9210517 -97.318957 49.9218823 -97.319116 49.9227397 -97.319471 49.9240431 -97.319746 49.9250553 -97.319937 49.9257568 -97.320146 49.9267752 -97.320176 49.9272978 -97.320226 49.9276759 -97.320230 49.9287142 -97.319685 49.9287147 -97.319445 49.9287104 -97.318554 49.9287033 -97.318314 49.9287013 -97.309859 49.9287351 -97.305514 49.9288054 -97.301909 49.9288636 -97.299780 49.9288979 -97.298158 49.9288805 -97.298266 49.9312595 -97.295769 49.9312570 -97.280876 49.9312414 -97.274648 49.9312342 -97.262442 49.93122026020539.02,-97.315243 49.8817782 -97.316732 49.8816020 -97.316439 49.8844052 -97.316217 49.8867451 -97.315984 49.8890174 -97.315720 49.8914949 -97.315651 49.8922467 -97.315508 49.8936878 -97.315262 49.8961398 -97.315253 49.8963580 -97.315062 49.8983991 -97.315021 49.8989926 -97.314970 49.8989960 -97.314509 49.8990253 -97.312765 49.8991439 -97.312037 49.8992321 -97.305785 49.8996267 -97.305846 49.8959043 -97.305958 49.8944889 -97.306315 49.8919588 -97.306952 49.8862586 -97.307178 49.8827191 -97.307392 49.8826930 -97.308511 49.8825762 -97.309756 49.8824205 -97.310799 49.8822998 -97.312602 49.8820944 -97.314230 49.8818949 -97.315243 49.8817782


  • 4 years old and less
  • % Lone-Family
  • 14 years old and less
  • 65 years old and more
  • 85 years old and more
  • Median Age
  • Average Age
  • Population density per Km2
  • Divorced
  • Number of household with one person
  • Average number of children at home per census family
  • Common Law
  • Married people
  • Persons per family
  • Religion chrétienne
  • Religion Hindouisme
  • Religion juive
  • Religion musulmane
  • Religion Sans affiliation
  • Overcrowding
  • Population Variation
  • Transport

  • Automobilist
  • Cyclist
  • Late waker
  • Early Birds
  • Walkers
  • Passengers
  • Average Transit Time
  • Duration of commute: 15 min
  • Duration of commute: 1H +
  • Active Transportation
  • Sustainable Transportation
  • Travailleur - après midi et soir
  • Transit Users
  • Economy

  • Prevalence of low income after tax
  • Middle Class
  • In the bottom decile - poorest
  • In the second decile - Income
  • In the third decile - Income
  • In the 4th decile - Income
  • In the 5th decile - Income
  • In the 6th decile - Income
  • In the 7th decile - Income
  • In the 8th top decile - Richest
  • In the 9th top decile - Richest
  • In the top decile - Richest
  • Domestic business potential
  • Diff with Average and Median
  • Household maintainers under 25
  • Paid Tax
  • Prosperity index
  • Tenents spending more then 30% on rent
  • Individual earning of 125 000$ and more
  • Individual earning of 150 000$ and more
  • Owners spending more then 30% on shelter costs"
  • Live at the same place for more then 5 years
  • Median Income
  • Average Income
  • Average Income of Households
  • Education

  • Bachelor
  • Postgratuated
  • Population with PHD
  • Études effectués hors Canada
  • Mathematics, computer and information sciences
  • Studied in social and behavioural sciences or law
  • Population with university diploma
  • Without diploma
  • Highschool - highest diploma
  • Housing / Real estate

  • Year of income to pay residence
  • Appartement dans un duplex
  • Apartments buildings 5 or more storeys
  • Cost per room
  • Coup par pièce (location - par mois)
  • Difference Cost mortgage - Rent
  • Part of a condominium development
  • Private dwellings per KM2
  • House built in last 5 years
  • House major repairs needed  (%)
  • Subsidized Housing
  • Maison détachée
  • Row House
  • Semi-detached house
  • Median Multiple
  • Mois loyer pour payer valeur des maisons
  • Counts of private dwellings
  • Average number of rooms per dwelling
  • % of rent
  • Prix mensuel des maisons (propriétaire)
  • Average monthly shelter costs for rented dwellings
  • Owner households with a mortgage,
  • Dwelling built before 1960
  • Dwelling built between 1961 and 1980
  • Dwelling built between 1981 and 1990
  • Residential occupancy rate
  • Median Residence Value
  • Residence Average Value
  • Valeur résidence - Diff moyenne et médiane
  • Residential value Km2
  • Language

  • Allophone
  • English as Work Language
  • English as Mother Tongue
  • Bilingual (English / French)
  • French as Mother Tongue
  • French / English as Work Language
  • French spoken at home (one lang only)
  • French as Work Language
  • Arabic speaker
  • Locuteur espagnol
  • Locuteur Tagalog
  • Locuteur Yiddish
  • Social

  • Gentrification factor
  • Work

  • Artist
  • Participation rate
  • Inactive population
  • Unemployement Rate
  • Work from Home
  • Work in the same city
  • Work in another census division
  • Work in another province
  • Part Time Work
  • Work outside Canada
  • Self-employed worker
  • Immigration

  • Migrants
  • Immigrant - Last 5 years
  • Migrants - more then 35 years ago
  • Interprovincial Immigration
  • Immigrant - intra provinciale - 5 ans
  • Immigrant - intra provinciale - 5 ans
  • Immigrant from Haiti
  • Immigrant from India
  • Immigrant from Italy
  • Immigrant from China
  • Immigrant from France
  • Immigrant from Greece
  • Immigrants from United States
  • Immigrants from Philippines
  • Immigrants from Lebano
  • Immigrant from Mexico
  • Immigrants from Pakistan
  • Immigrant from Portugal
  • Immigrant from Viet Nam

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    64 Cities

    143 indicators

    371 districts and neighborhood

    8 Census Metropolitan Areas

    159 139 maps